2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Guess I should google it, but is it an urban legend that dentists die by suicide at alarming rates? Seems to me most of your patients are either afraid or at least would rather be anywhere else. Sometimes you would hurt people by mistake. You spend your day drilling and flossing disgusting smelly mouths. Seems awful.

Lol realtors. Always.

lolā€¦ I totally never didnā€™t go to the dentist for like 10 years. Nope, not me.

Iā€™d need to see evidence. Gold is one of the most inert of metals. Seems like itā€™d be very unlikely someone could be allergic to it.

Bioengineers love that shit. The human body hates most materials.

Itā€™s usually an allergy to a nickel or other impurity in the gold.

JFK is getting a 2nd aircraft carrier named after him and LBJ only got a destroyer. Thatā€™s some bullshit.

I finally tried ChatGPT. Holy shit it makes research easy.

Although it may just be cribbing wikipedia on both of these.

Thatā€™s probably true with jewelry, but Iā€™d hope a dentist is using 100% pure shit.

Hereā€™s one case report I just googled. Didnā€™t read more than the abstract. Iā€™ve got no doubt that it is rare. But I do doubt that it is completely non-existent.

Pretty good chance thatā€™s what itā€™s doing AFAIK (and similar sites), and I think itā€™s only up to date as of 2021, but thereā€™s still some utility in it. Gotta be careful though because sometimes itā€™s straight up wrong

Yeah hereā€™s its answer on the spiciest thing in the Old World before Columbus. Notice it gets it wrong then figures it out.

Credit Union

Iā€™d be surprised if it helps much with research given that you still need to fact check all of this stuff. Iā€™ve tried a few questions from my own discipline and itā€™s ranged from reasonable answers to flat out falsehoods.

Latest hot take from my wife: ā€œI donā€™t understand why people like Scarlet Johansson. She looks like Phoebe Dynevor [from Bridgerton].ā€

I bet if she went back in time 20 years ago, she wouldnā€™t understand why people with discerning taste considered Jennifer Love Hewitt a goddess.

I didnā€™t want to press the point, but A) ScaJo doesnā€™t look like Phoebe whoever, and B) I wouldnā€™t exactly kick Phobe out of bed for eating crackers.

Canā€™t use 100% gold as that is not strong enough. Expensive gold fillings are mosty gold mixed with another expensive mostly inert metal. Cheap ones are not even 50% gold and mixed with all kinds of metals.

All the lawbros on this forum and we donā€™t have one dentist?

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Interesting. I guess that might make allergy to a ā€œgoldā€ filling more likely as there are more potential allergens. I am also assuming that there arenā€™t a lot of impurities per se. That is, the other metals in the filling are known and put in there intentionally. But it sounds like the cheaper ones may have some true impurities.