2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Don’t even get me started on the atrocities the Allies committed in WW2.


Fuck yeah, lets get the band back together.

Apparently it’s not true. Someone reached out to the Blair Institute and they have no record of contact.

I should have known, it was a little too on the nose.


I’d say China’s push against the Uyghurs, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, hell even Trump offering to buy Iceland. It’s going to be conquest for land, profit, and national glory, here soon.


Israel gets al arouri.

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That’s pretty good intelligence

Pro-Israeli porn star, 51, claims he is being boycotted by pro-Palestinian porn stars for signing a rocket used by the IDF in Gaza with his own name

It’s about what you’d expect except for this

also breaking down barriers

Lucas has produced and starred in films including Michael Lucas La Dolce Vita, and his 2009 production Men of Israel was the first major adult film to feature an all-Jewish cast, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Israel’s intelligence in Gaza had been awful. 3 months in and Israel have no clue where the hostages are or any Hamas leadership in Gaza.

At least in Beirut they seem to be doing better

Baruchin is a bit of a troll and has said far “worse” than the article quotes, but the gist of the article is true. Saying something like “I hope kids on both sides will be safe” is considered being hamas supporter now.

Attended a decent size pro Palestine protest in Melbourne.

Pretty lively, good turnout.

There was a lot of “from the river to the sea” chants.

Now I didn’t join in, but the idea that everyone who did is advocating for genocide is pretty ridiculous.

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It’s just a few bad apples

So wild to me that people think it wasn’t always this way, just because of a brief blip in time when “nobody” questioned Walter Cronkite which isn’t even that accurate


Well, in keeping with my “what you feel is reality” take, I feel like in my decades on earth things have markedly changed, but I wasn’t really sentient for the Cronkite years and earlier. Perhaps you are right and it always was this way, but most people just kept their fucking mouths shut about it.

Thank you, Derrida and the modern academy: Trump alternative fact mindset is the progeny of all the “elite” moral relativism from the 60s-forward. Strange bedfellows, but dumb folks tend to find common ground.

BS. Sophism goes back to 5th Century BC and I’m sure it wasn’t original then. Reactionaries also go back a long time. Nothing new there either.

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And yet there was a shared understanding in the US in the 40s and 50s and early 60s as to what was real and what wasn’t. Today that’s totally gone.