2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Yeah this. We can empathize with the need for and a thirst for revenge, but still condemn actions and policies that are equally or even more atrocious (simply due to the # of people the actions affect) than the ones done to the Israelis.

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Cliffs: Shaun King claimed to be working behind the scenes to free a hostage who he worked with from Hamas. The greed prisoner said she had never heard of him



He’s also working on a cease fire. The grift goes on and on




Some even refer to civilians as orcs to dehumanize them



Pretty sure Lex Freidman already peace in the Middle East locked up.

You’re all stupid, Jared fixed the Middle East at the same time he was eliminating all waste in the Federal governement.


Oh yeah, I forgot that he also streamlined the federal government. Hero.

Do people ever listen to podcasts that cover focus groups? Scary shit.


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“The ongoing war has also disclosed a shortcoming in the values of the international community in addressing crises,” it said. “While we see one place rushing and competing to promptly condemn the killing of innocent people, we find incomprehensible hesitation in denouncing the same act in another place. We even see attempts to justify this killing, as if the life of the Palestinian human being is less important than that of other people.”

Egypt hopes that in light of the current crisis “a new political spirit and will” will emerge that “pave the way for unlocking a real and serious peace process,” reads the statement.

Was that really possible after the Palestinian people choose to elect Hamas, who subsequently ended further elections? The international community didn’t do enough to work with the jihadists to create peace?

The American lead coup against them probably didn’t help

The Israeli military found a USB key with instructions for the production of a “cyanide dispersion device” on the body of a Hamas operative who participated in the Oct. 7 terrorist attack, according to two Israeli officials and a copy of a classified Israeli Foreign Ministry cable obtained by Axios.

These militants need to practice a bit of operational security. Conveniently, so far we’ve found the their plans AND their future plans for chemical weapons right on their corpses


sure they did.

what’s the plan for all the people in the north that they want to leave? they’re leaving their homes behind, are there homes for them in the south? camps? holiday inn?

camps, imo - kfc and pizza hut will move in before holiday inn, if history is anything to go by


They do think people are morons, unfortunately theyre righr about that.

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Mr Sunak told the House of Commons: “On the basis of the deep knowledge and analysis of our intelligence and weapons experts, the British government judges that the explosion was likely caused by a missile, or part of one, that was launched from within Gaza towards Israel.”

Mr Sunak said that “misreporting” of the blast had had a “negative effect in the region”.

“We need to learn the lessons and ensure that in future there is no rush to judgement,” he said.

Likely case closed

NY Times and BBC both publisehd some sort of apologies. Yet very little criticism not only for Palestinian officials for pushing that narrative (knowing full well it’s false), but to people like hospital officials who lied without a second thought.