2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS


Republicans are gonna elect a house speaker and then shut down the government.

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Can a Republican just get a handful of other Republicans and all the Democrats and ask for a vote? What is the rule or requirement for doing a Speaker vote?

Iā€™m pretty sure anyone can nominate anyone else, then itā€™s just who can get to 217. So in theory all the Ds and some Rs could cook up a deal and then vote someone in. If Gym somehow fails today then that becomes a little more likely, but still pretty improbable.

My uneducated take is that Gym may take a vote or two to win, as a few moderates want to make it clear that they are suspicious of Gym and how he would handle the budget votes. These moderates Wonā€™t Stand for Any Nonsense. Then after some lies etc. from Gym, they vote for him.

(Then: Nonsense!)


Dems just have no idea how to win. Uhhh are we winning here? What if we put W in charge of stuff again, is that what winners do?

Well he literally has W in his name, makes sense


Iā€™m having trouble deciding where my preference for Jordan as speaker should be. On the one hand, heā€™s a bottom 5% member of Congress and a plague on the nation. On the other hand, I think heā€™d be a terrible speaker, bad for Republicans, and accelerate their demise.

I think it comes down to Ukraine funding for me. Thatā€™s a top priority and a cessation likely cannot be fixed later. Plus, itā€™s dangerous to support the worst agents of the opposition, because sometimes they are effective in their destruction.


Looks like the plan is chaos, but itā€™s the Democrats fault


If they actually elect Pedo-Gym, they are going to play the individual spending bills game where they say:

ā€œHere is Medicare and Social Security. The Democrats can pass this today to keep these programs running. If they donā€™t, it is their fault.ā€

The bike meme in real life.

I donā€™t know how I still have the capacity for shock, but I genuinely canā€™t believe theyā€™re going to make Jordan the Speaker of the House.

1 Republican no vote so far (for McCarthy)

We made Donald Trump the President of the United States of America.

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Yes, thatā€™s exactly why I canā€™t believe I still have the capacity for shock.


2nd vote for McCarthy, Jordan can only lose 3. So it will probably take more than one round, but looks like itā€™s eventually Jordan.

What were they just booing about? The McCarthy vote?

I was curious, too, but I didnā€™t catch it.

4th no vote, Jordan canā€™t win this round.

Iā€™ve heard that some only committed to Jordan for first vote. I expect spinelessness, however.

Jordan is grinning like a fucking imbecile.

Yeah, itā€™s almost certainly the opposite, where some spineless moderates want to be able to say, ā€œI voted against Jordan in the first round(s), but itā€™s ultimately important for us to have an operating government, so I eventually voted yes for Jordan after receiving significant concessions and promises [that he will immediately renege on].ā€

9 against so far.