2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Bad news, I think I’d rather Fetterman run against Oz.


Damn feel like Oz was a better matchup for fetterman


Fetterman winning every county and just demolishing Lamb is really nice to see.

Man we need him to win this whole thing in November. Inb4 Pelosi, Biden, Clyburn et al endorse Dave McCormick.


…and Oz has crashed 50 points on predictit since I posted this 18 minutes ago

good work @narrator


I agree completely. McCormick has the douchebag MAGA psycho thing going on that will rev up all of the idiots. Mehmet wasn’t going to excite any of the hard core dimwits.

McCormick is a moderate former hedge fund guy, so he could beat us up among centrists.

Yea, but I also think he excites the crazies more than Oz does, going just on feels. Every ad for him is about guns and god and shooting stuff. He’ll be able to carry the centrist vote and excite the magas enough to vote.

And with Mastriano running we really really need to win PA in Nov. Ugh


So funny that he made up what he thought was some bullshit to look cool on a podcast and accidentally stumbled on the truth that gets you 86’d out of politics (and life) faster than you can spit. Moron, fine. Rapist, fine. Racist, encouraged. But don’t you dare do or say anything to threaten the DC cocaine orgies or you are donezo.


We already really really needed to win the gubernatorial race. For 2024 and for abortion. But I agree Oz is easier to beat so I’m hoping he can pull it out.

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I just don’t think McCormick is getting the Trump voters in the primary, despite trying. I think Oz and Barnette are splitting it.

You’re definitely more tuned in than I am, so I’ll believe you here and hope that’s the case.

Lfg Fetterman and Shapiro.

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I think it’s more that Oz turns off a lot of right wing racists by being named mehmet (this was literally an issue he had, getting mad at media for using his first name lmao), and some “moderates” with his extreme carpet bagging



Oz back within 2300 votes (0.2%) with 99% reporting…

Internal polls leaked from Lamb in March.

Fetterman +9 vs Oz
Fetterman -3 vs McCormick

Gooooooo Oz

I assume various resources get spent and feelings hurt in a recount


If it’s within 0.5% that’s an automatic recount.

Do you think their oppo polling is better than their own or did the Lamb campaign know today was going to be a slaughter?

Oz up to 73 on predictit

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I think given that Lamb didn’t go after him at all the last few days he knew it was a wrap. But the reason I shared that poll is that it’s the only one I’ve seen on Fetterman vs McCormick and Fetterman vs Oz conducted by the same pollster.

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