2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Pelosi is turgid.


God, the takes from the MSM are going to be insufferable if Fetterman loses the general.

Itā€™ll be a massive setback to progressives. He has to win.


It looks like heā€™s going to be up against the hedge fund guy who will inevitably be presented by the media as a pragmatic pro business type despite going full fucking MAGA nut job to win the primary.

You can tell how good Fetterman is by how much eDems hate him. Get used to this:



Why isnā€™t the Biden admin trying to legalize pot? Itā€™s annoying how many stores have opened in every Canadian city but otherwise shrug.


Because heā€™s a fucking boomer loser douchebag moron with one foot in the grave and the IQ of a squirrel.


This edwards guy is probably a jackass too, but tonightā€¦


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smh ā€œtrump energy secretaryā€, trmp energy has never been lower.

Because the Democratic Party is the most incompetent mainstream political party in the history of modern politics.



If I am going to have any slight semblance of hope for the future of the country I am going to need Fetterman to beat Dr Oz and Warnock to beat Herschel Walker



Like our liberal party in Canada isnā€™t amazing but they at least realize they have to give something out. 7 years ago or whatever it was pot, this cycle will be integrating dental into Healthcare.

I was really hoping to not have to endure any more Dave Mccormick ads. Heā€™s fucking awful. I think Iā€™m pulling for Oz to squeeze this out. I feel dirty.

So what are the chances that cawthorn suddenly dies from some sort of disaster? Feels high to me with all the oppo suddenly coming out

Looks like Cawthorn is done-zo.

I donā€™t have too much sympathy, because so much of what heā€™s said and done is so unsavory to me,

But I canā€™t help but think winning a Congressional race was the worst thing that could have happened for him personally. Heā€™s made a spectacle of himself displaying his self-destruction.

Then I think what I would have been like if they made me a congressman at 26ā€¦. Shudder

I wouldnā€™t put suicide past him, after all heā€™s overcome personally to have it taken away from him

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Thatā€™s what I thought too, but wanted to be more general given how he drives

Well heā€™s got to at least try to get in on some grift before that. Not sure how much juice a single term rep is gonna have, but itā€™s not nothing.

Dead by 30 from booze or drugs seems very in play to me. He was already unwell, and he doesnā€™t strike me as somebody with the personal skills to weather everything heā€™s been through in such a short time.

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Or heā€™ll just end up making more money on OAN or something.

Doesnā€™t look like there are enough votes left to save Oz.