2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?


I support this idea nation wide


Once he wins the nomination in Georgia, is it gross to use dissociative identity disorder against Herschel Walker or political malpractice not to?

Can confirm a vote for John Fetterman!


You keep asking us variations of this question every time a Republican with a mental/physical disability is an asshole in public.

They should put him in a room with Feinstein and see if between the two of them they can figure out what year it is.


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Fetterman having surgeryā€¦ Story breaks like 4.5 hours before polls close.


o/u on his margin of victory today? Gotta be like 30 right?

Given the health issue Iā€™d definitely take the under. I could see it tightening to 10 to 15 points, easily.

Is it a surgery if itā€™s not done by a surgeon?

Weird that heā€™d get one, but should be fine. Itā€™s not that big of a deal.

I mean, this story will affect ~0 votes so we can toss that. Way too late for anyone to hear about it and change their vote to Chickenshit or whatever. Even the stroke 2 days before is probably too late given early voting and the lack of attention paid to primaries and politics in general. Thereā€™s no way Chickenshit closed 15-20 points in the last 2 days so itā€™s just a bet on the polls being massively off to start with.

Mr. Unstoppable for President!!!

You tell me lol I have no idea. I figured they have to cut him open at least a little to put it in, so I thought that counted even though it should be minor. The campaign called it a procedure.

Iā€™m a little less confident. Fewer people vote in primaries and the ones who do are better informed. Lots of primary votersā€™ main concern is winning the general. I think the stroke in general could matter, and this could influence those who havenā€™t voted yet.

I think heā€™ll hold on but Iā€™m not so confident in the margin.

I guess I can do this procedure, and I have. I think that makes it not a surgery.

You basically stick a pencil sized tube into a vein under the collarbone, thread some wires into the heart, and then bury the device under the skin. Iā€™ve done all but the last bit. When I do this procedure I leave the wires out the skin.

Hate to see it




Cawthorn is gonna get primaried? Whoā€™d have thunk it?

Unless this guy is even more batshit than Cawthorn, which I suppose is technically possible.



Lololol fuck off Lamb and every shitlib corporate douchebag like him