2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?


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I mean itā€™s hard to imagine much worse at least right? Just not being a literal bumbling corpse makes him better imo.

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Heā€™d be worse for labor, I know that

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Legitimately have no idea who Nathan Robinson is.

Do you have an article about this?

Completely being sincere here. Iā€™ve havenā€™t heard of this and would be interested to read about it.

He runs a magazine or website or something that writes news and opinion pieces for an extremely specific, narrow band of USAian ā€œleftistsā€ earning between 120k and 150k in salaried positions not including benefits, and fired his entire staff when it tried to unionize

And most centrists believe heā€™s one of about 5 writers the entire left reads, from anarchists to Stalinists to Scandinavian-worshipping social democrats

There is a big problem in government period of putting politicians with no relevant experience in charge of departments. When Iā€™m President every cabinet member will have a very deep understanding of the industry and the Department they have that can only be had with a lot of experience.

You donā€™t really need experience to just do exactly what the industry lobby tells you they want done

Sure, but still.

Drink one beer and Iā€™m on a posting spree at UP.


I sent out the bat signal. Iā€™m sure whatevs will be along shortly

If this is the first time youā€™ve posted about Pete in the months that Iā€™ve barely posted, it may look like it, but I assure you itā€™s a coincidence and Iā€™m not stalking you or Pete.

My guess is that the policy goals would be better, Manchin would block more stuff than he already does and insist on an overall less progressive slate of administration nominees, and the polls for the midterms wouldnā€™t be much different. And Ketanji Brown-Jackson might not be headed to the Supreme Court.

I have an alert set up to get a WUPHF whenever Pete is mentioned

Actually I just saw Microā€™s avatar as the last post and was like I gotta see what he posted



Donā€™t think so.


Maybe not her specifically, but someone roughly equivalent.

Fetterman had a stroke? Another point towards the simulation thesis.

No, youā€™re thinking of Tim Fielder. Nathan Robinson is the business consultant with the reality show helping small businesses make it in this competitive world. He graduated from one of Canadaā€™s top business schools with really good grades.



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Surprised it took this longā€¦

Eh, Fetterman should be doing the same thing if he was behind in the polls and Lamb had a stroke