2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

By the way this is also not true. The best electoral performers in recent history were Obama and Bill Clinton, who both had the opposite messaging from the type you suggest. You’re basing your theories off Trump who barely beat a terrible candidate and then lost to another terrible candidate. In addition the type of rhetoric and values which works for the right will not necessarily be as effective on the left.

This cannot be overstated in my opinion. Arguments that work on people that fundamentally believe that inequality and double standards are good things and evidence of a functioning society are simply not going to work on people that think that those things are problems to be solved. Dems and potential Dem voters don’t want to hate other people the way Rs hate other people.

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I’m not basing my ideas on Trump at all. I think establishment Dems pursue a weak-tight strategy where they are too afraid to aim big because they want to protect what they’ve won over the decades and don’t want to risk anything. I think they can help more people in the long run by not treating people as people in the same way that a poker player can make more money by being able to see chips as just chips and not thinking about they money they represent.

I have a markedly different view of why Dems fail than some on here. It’s not because they’re in on it and are trying to fail; it’s because they’re gigantic pussies who are afraid of seeing people get hurt as part of the necessary transitional costs that come with big changes.

They don’t, but they should.

“Not treating people as people” doesn’t help more people in the long-run because it establishes that it’s ok to “not treat people as people.”


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I got a fundraising email from Nancy Pelosi('s campaign)

Because while the polls predict Democrats will clinch control of the Senate…


he posted that too soon data is mixed right now

but I don’t think either win the general though I guess it should be close

might end up a runoff

right at how crap that is but those are the only type of e-mails that get anyone to donate I blame all of us for this. ie, how much liberals lit on fire trying to get rid of people we don’t like in places we had no chance.

and yeah those polls are made up or some super secret dem internal which even they would all laugh at

cis is favored here now

I thought that was a pretty blue district?

was going off pres numbers, biden only won it by 4

cuellar did win easily but not incumbent and +R margin, it ain’t gonna be pretty blue

Cuellar won it 58-39 in 2020. Won 84-16 against a Libertarian in '18, and 66-31 in 2016.

Cuellar was an incumbent since 2005

now he’s got a FBI investigation, district borders mexico, it’s also not getting bluer

looks like a runoff to me we’ll see

McMullen is going after Lee on Ukraine. Not sure it will stick but wth.

I think this stuff has a chance to stick (to everyone except trump).


Democrats should absolutely not run a candidate in that race.

McMullin sucks, but is better than Lee, and any Democrat has literally zero chance.


We’ll see how well “just run on weed” works I guess.


He’s setting up presidential runs by tanking Texas runs while raising tons of money lol…