2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

that’s probably a very cool gun, but geez the guy has quit a fetish

with a name like AZ West Deplorable, i am not even mad he might have the verified $8 checkmark



Did someone explain to Denise what ‘congress’ actually means?


Does not compute, I have been assured on this very forum that trans rights are a huge loser for democrats and very motivating for republicans.


Everyone who is motivated by anti-trans shit was already voting republican anyways so while it may seem like a huge issue that is getting them riled up it doesn’t affect fuck all electorally.


The last few elections seem to have been more about energizing the base than luring swing voters. This one seems to have broken that mold.

If true that’s very very good news imo, because it means R strategists will actually have to think about appeasing the middle again instead of just whipping the nutters into a frenzy.




So glad we have far right media and center right media.

Probably depends on how the issue is framed.

Within the Democratic coalition, this seems like an issue that white liberals care about more than minorities. It probably does contribute some to the decline of the Hispanic Democratic vote, but maybe that can be survived.

Overall, White adults tend to be more likely than Black, Hispanic and Asian adults to express support for laws and policies that would restrict the rights of transgender people or limit what schools can teach about gender identity. But among Democrats, White adults are often less likely than other groups to favor such laws and policies, particularly compared with their Black and Hispanic counterparts. And White Democrats are more likely than Black, Hispanic and Asian Democrats to say they favor protecting trans individuals from discrimination and requiring health insurance companies to cover medical care for gender transitions.

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There also might be a difference between not understanding or not feeling comfortable about some things, vs. actually deciding the way you vote on it.

My stepdad, typical moderate R voter, thinks having no gun laws is nuts, but he’s not going to change his vote based on it. I’d guess probably also thinks the trans stuff is pretty crazy, but maybe not enough to change his vote. But he definitely thinks Trump is nuts and scary and did as far as I know vote for Biden.

Rs think everyone is as hung up on culture wars as they are. And it sure seemed to be a winning formula for them in an environment where energizing the base is all that matters.

But in this new world where normies actually vote against Q-Stop-The-Steal crazies, the whole equation changes.

Arguably, the problem isn’t that the Dems are too far to the left on trans issues, but that they are perceived as over-prioritizing trans issues over things like the economy.



I some genius big brain figured out a way to let voters fill in whoever they want. So - Robert E. Lee and ???

I can just see Thiel slurping all over the sheer brilliance of that move. It’s hard to be 10x smarter than everyone else and know it.



The music, my goodness. It’s like they asked Jeffrey Dahmer for an example of “soothing piano music”

Pro tip: minor key makes people feel sad. You don’t want people to feel sad when they watch your political ad.

Pro tip 2: Playing said minor key BGM while filming in what looks like a desolate hellscape not only makes people feel sad, it makes them feel hopeless.

Look, I know conservative brains are driven by fear, but this is post-nuclear war levels of zombie apocalypse feeling and it’s too much, even for the most scared Karens out there.


Dang, If I had seen that I might have used my one time to make him drive over a pothole and end up with a convertible

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We’ve all seen this one right? “My gun it’s German. Did I mention that it’s German?”


Cityafreaks got a shout-out on the most recent Chapo. Called him the new Nate Silver. I think they meant it as a compliment but I’m not 100% sure