2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I don’t consider not voting to be an option unless y’all vote harder and make me feel like I don’t have to vote.

just take the L and move on man.

you’re saying you’d vote for a guy literally endorsing enslaving black people. gtfoh

I sincerely believe we’re in the territory of wanting to keep Republicans out of power by any means necessary. I am very willing to make moral compromises akin to allying with Stalin to take down Hitler.


alright bitch, i’d vote for the “we all should brutally rape and murder notbrucez’s wife, children, immediate family members and friends” candidate over a republican. bc i don’t like republicans.

fucking ■■■■■

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In a no-holds barred cage match I’ve got Big Gretch as a 3 to 1 favorite to kick this big tough manly man’s ass.

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He’s parroting all the same bullshit my stepmom does. Fucking morons.


Can’t believe this is still up. One of the dumbest campaign tweets of all time.


That’s allying with the KKK to beat the GOP. This is exactly how we got a Republican south. It has its own name, wikipedia article, and everything.

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That’s good, as long as you vote.

you guys are really doing it wrong, Just block NotBruceZ and move on.

That’s reserved for annoying posters.

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Bruce Zs desired platform is basically Trumpism but with more redistribution. He has repeatedly said that we should be willing to sacrifice the rights of anyone whose not a white male to make the economic lives of white males better.

I disagree with this premise, but this isn’t new news. It isn’t out of malice, just the best he thinks the country can do and so willing to cut and run on the non white males.

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Is this grear from 2+2?

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Vote to excise NBZ edgelording discussion # 8,379 to its own thread.


You know it bro





edgelording containment thread would be great

TIL allowing people to pick their gender devalues women more than making them tell their loser partner to pull out.