2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I think she’s using the wrong medium. She should take these stories, package them up into some semi-relatable narrative about the disaffected rural areas of her state, switch parties, and then run for Senate. It’s a tried and true system. Hell, you don’t even need any politics experience!



Garfield has swung 57/43 Adam so far.

I’d be thrilled to stop right after he stops mocking me for analyzing the available information in the thread in which we discuss the election results.

I’d argue the nut low of forum talk is mocking well-informed regulars for discussing the possibility of winning a race that’s currently 50.07% to 49.93% with like 1.8% of the eventual total ballots being outstanding in a county that favors us.

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He isn’t saying the analysis is wrong. He just thinks this isn’t the right time or place to discuss the outcome of the CO-03 2022 midterm election.


Is it nice in Pitkin County? I would like to live there, with a ranch.

This is 55 mins old, check mark reporter, Pitkin not done:


But it sounds like what’s left is negligible.

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You’d be wrong. Would you accept 50-1 with 100k minimim bet? Also would you accept his 110k to your 100k? Thats great value for a toss-up!

Just ignore him if he annoys you. “lay me 100-1” is just nonsense spam.

He absolutely is. He’s saying the race is a done deal, and those of us who don’t think so are ignoring the writing on the all and are wishcasting.

Crap, I figured. No way it could be anything else. And the red votes are all the ones in affordable areas, who hate Aspen more than anything else in the world.

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I thought his comment was tounge-in-cheek

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Just to clarify, are you requesting that I ignore goofyballer’s posting in this thread mocking my analysis as a poster who finds it annoying? Or are you ordering me to as a moderator?

Edit: Because if you’re asking as a mod, I’ll shut the fuck up and do as you wish as a community-empowered authority. If you’re asking as another user, who’s barely using this thread, I’ll keep posting as I wish in the thread in which we discuss elections.

I already moved 75% of the way in his favor! Why would I move 99% of the way?

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Im giving you a friendly advice as you are not the best at noticing when you move from our friendly neighborhood number crunching expert to a unlikable pundit. Keep in mind you’re in the midst of a campaign yourself


Yuv is like the chillest mod. I don’t think he’s ordering anyone to do anything.





Abortion drives turnout. Too bad this amendment wasn’t on the Nov ballot instead.

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