2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Thing is that even with an underperformance they are going to control the House directly as a result of rigging districts and other shenanigans.

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As well as D’s are overperforming so far, just imagine what the house races would look like with fair maps everywhere.


Damn my pony lost for the first time tonight - had been on fire.

People are saying my pony has the best maps.

Feels like if we pick up the Boebert seat, that’s massive for control of the House right now. Feeding that into the models would have to move them.

Fetterman lead down a bit. I would assume it is safe with the remaining votes?

Should be very safe, yes.


Like I think PA may get called tonight for Fetterman, maybe before 3am.


Skydiver’s guy down 6 with 40% in.


Even if Dems don’t hold the House, it’s close enough that I think the posters who said there was absolutely no chance need to update their priors.

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I wasn’t one of them!

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So 8 senate seats left: PA, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Wisconsin, Utah, Alaska and…I can’t figure out what the 8th one is.

Nah. Even if they ran on the strong side of models were gonna be short in the House. We are still almost certainly fucked, just happy to see at least a slight pulse from the electorate. Imagine what we could have done had the Dems had actually governed well.

Back to Fox. Just leared that Meghan McCain’s husband is a talking head on Fox News.

Also, Kellyanne makes an appearance!

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Kellyanne basically lamenting since they didn’t wing PA GOV they can’t rig PA in 2024. She didn’t say those words exactly, but it sure sounded like what she was thinking.

No. Peter Thiel has a hand up his ass like a muppet. He’s there to do billionaire bidding. The Mandel guy was just another rank and file backwoods moron.

