2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Probably belongs in the other thread, but I like it.

Heck yeah. I assume Wisc senate is still too close to call but Johnson is up 3 points. Would love to see where the outstanding vote is.

NV up to 69c D, lfg


The entire business/suburban block will be behind Desantis but the deplorables won’t turn out for him. Assuming a fair election neither is a favorite.

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I’m drinking and don’t have money down this time, so take this with a grain of salt, but the late vote was all Milwaukee and Madison last time IIRC.

Liberal tears is their entire political philosophy

By that time, Ron’s nickname will be Desucktis. Or Desuckdick.


He would almost certainly try to actively sabotage a DeSantis run after being humiliated by a loss. Could even see him attempting to run third party.


The corporate media is going to think that helping a non-Trump Republican beat Trump makes up for 2016.

Also eDems are going to be praying for Trump to win the primary just like the were in 2016.



eGOP can now legitimately threaten to throw/let him get thrown in jail and throw away the key if Trump doesn’t play ball. Trump thought he was going to get an army of Trumpers in power to get his revenge tour started and they all turned out to be losers.

The illusion has been shattered, he can’t actually defy gravity.

American Nazi Party: I’ll ram my hand up there myself and rip your uterus out.

Voters: Inflation sure looks high!


Afaik this strategy worked where it was used this year. (I mean where dems supported extreme reps in primaries.)



Chris Hayes spitting truth

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That’s needle adjacent GTFO

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I’m so pissed that my district is one of the ones that got gerrymandered to give Republicans another House seat.