2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Still somehow doesn’t disprove my assertion.


Feels like they are so so so close to coming around to my point of view, but they can’t reach what seems to be an obvious conclusion.

People think of their station in life in relativistic terms rather than absolute. They’d like someone to look down on, but the next best thing is making them look up with hatred towards the people holding them down.

And that’s where class warfare comes in. Now, we don’t need literal guillotines. We can excite people by making figurative heads roll. But the real thing is still better than nothing. Real or symbolic, the common man can be induced to look down upon the mighty who have been brought low and reduced to a state beneath theirs.

Maybe we need more people advocating literal guillotines to move the Overton window so that figurative guillotines seem tame by comparison.



Speaking of the NYT:

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Sounds like a candidate for President to me.

I’ve noticed dropping the gifted thing is getting a huge backlash politically. I’d guess a lot of us were put in there and boy was that lame as hell and did nothing for us I assume for everyone.

calculus definitely should be de emphasized, it’s pretty irrelevant

the whole R shtick of stuff like parents should be involved in X we gotta starting thinking of shit like this and using it man

sadly, that OMG parents should have a say into their education sounds like that would work despite that’s what I thought the point of parent teacher conference stuff was for.

he’s for sure going to carve out an exception for charter schools

i’m against you on calculus, but with you on the other two points. they should ramp up the curriculum across the board, return at least as much art/humanities as calculus, but don’t dumb it down.

gifted classes are refuges for bullied kids. if we address bullying, it would create more opportunities for kids to catch up to whatever level we consider “gifted”. the whole thomas jefferson debacle reeks of classist racism more than it does about providing a safe space for gifted kids.

the anti bullying ship has sailed, that’s dead. Everyone wants to bully everyone else.

I agree not dumbing it down but too late, it just keeps getting dumber and dumber across the board.

art/humanities should probably be eliminated, they are completely worthless. I figure we all know someone who got an art degree, they should get a refund from the university for scamming them and the worst thing we can do is give that stuff a free ride from the rest of us.

teach the basics in history sure but everyone can look it up if they want to know more on the internet

no that’s awful. we’ve been cutting art and humanities for 30 years now and it shows. we have a whole generation of people unable to tell apart conspiracies and fake news from science.


I can see how humanities education would help with this, but what does art have to do with it?

Worth noting… Stanford undergrad, Yale law school. Clerked in the 10th district for a year in 2006 before a year clerking for Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. According to his LinkedIn at least

Yeah, I can’t disagree more, even as someone with a science degree. People need a broad education with arts and humanities so they don’t become Elon Musk stans.


I agree. I once read an essay by Bill Moyers where he offered a moving and vigorous defense of a iberal education. Probably from Moyers on Democracy.

Come to think of it, he told a Trump-like story where a group a steelworkers or truck drivers or something came up to him (possibly with tears in their eyes) to thank him for introducing them to an incredible new world of big ideas and history and culture and stuff.

The ancient Greeks basically nailed the idea of having science + humanities + personal fitness being part of a complete education.

Our slaveowning class still gets all those things in their education. It’s just the declining rate of profit means our slave owning class is shrinking back towards the levels of ancient greece. More and more people are being kicked out of the club as the circle shrinks.

Latino truck driver stopped by Yesterday. It was sad. He was bitching about how the problem is nobody wants to work because they’re still getting paid to stay home. I can’t tell you how many people stick with this narrative, and when I tell them that the extended unemployment ended months ago they just say no lots of people are still getting it. So I’m sure thats a big right wing narrative.

Saying how people don’t deserve $18/h to work and fast food. I said well we all deserve more money and he’s like well these lazy people don’t, I work my ass off for my money but I just get fucked on taxes.

Turns out dude makes 24/h and thinks he’s upper middle class and the dems raising taxes are going to hurt him. I explained even if they raise taxes it would only affect people making like 400k+ but he’s like no way they’re coming after hard working people like us.



Oh yeah and the reason the supply chain is fucked is because the ports are unionized and they just lay around all day and demand more money instead of working.

I tried to explain to him what I’ve been told and how theres a bottle neck with drivers but he wasn’t hearing it :\

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard the “people are getting paid to stay home” line in the last five months I’d have to start worrying about those tax increases on the wealthy. This, and so many other falsehoods are just plain accepted fact by half the country.


“When Joe Biden sent you that check for $1400 in April why didn’t you tear it up? Why don’t you return the $300 child tax credit you get you every month?”

“Well I make $40/hour and haven’t paid a cent more in taxes since the Democrats won everything in 2018 and 2020”