2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

For every 1 of those young people crushing it, there are 100 olds that voted harder when the sun came up.

Just leaving this here for no reason: AI-Enabled Electronic Warfare - Defense One

Unfortunately the deplorable vote is up more and there’s 10x


CLAIRE just referenced Red Zone and called this the witching hour.


Edited to add: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vd-ixEYI6g

Maybe I’m alone in this, but I was sweating 2018 and 2020 really hard because it felt like democracy was hanging in the balance. January 6th and the subsequent two years made me lose all hope for the long term, and now I feel like I’m watching this one with a more detached level of interest.

For whatever it’s worth I think Dems end up doing on the better side of the models (like lose the house but not by a lot and end up at worst down 49/51 in Senate).


Yeah, pretty clear the Rs have this country locked up for the next decade or two and the only open questions are how exactly will they get there and just how bad will it get.


If anyone wants to do some betting I want to bet for up to $1k each

Oz -180
Walker -140

Those look like fairly fair no vig lines based on what i am seeing but we can adjust a bit if it isn’t. I need to confirm for action. $100 min and only open until 6pm et

No go from me, the Philly turnout did not pick up in the 5pm hour and it’s now looking like it’ll fall short of 2018. Plus the areas outperforming are no longer the most progressive areas, it’s the most conservative area and the most wealthy area.

Not good.




Truly don’t understand what trump is doing they’re going to win anyway


We are losing everything but NH senate for sure.

Fingers crossed somehow Hochul holds on here in NY.

Closed on the action post above


I’m Amy McGrath, and I approve this message


Gotta go farther right and start having Ted Cruz flip to Dems. Fucking Bernie.

Demings 75 milly down the :toilet:


We’re getting more posts in the Hopium thread. Are things OK? I intentionally scheduled a bunch of meetings today to keep me busy and not focused on the election since I was expecting WAAF.

