2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

“From top to down”

Jesus fucking god

The only good I can see coming is the amount of leopards eating faces posts in the next decade.



Nice of her to not say anything until it was too late to matter.


Often late endorsements matter, if you go too early everyone forgets, too late people have made up their mind. Do it right after the debate it can be reactionary and people may think it’s for the debate performance which they disagree with. Right before the debate and people think your endorsement would have changed if you saw what they saw.

Oprah knows how to sell books. I hope it works for Senators too.

The yard signs are getting out of hand.


One thing I thought about tonight is how a state like Ohio can become more hopeless by far than Georgia.

And after thinking about it I think it is the residual effects of the Lee Atwater Southern Strategy. Simply put the remaining Democrats in a place like Ohio tend to be rust belt, racist adjacent types who have largely been negatively affected by all kinds of things over the last 30 years and not really targeted by the right wing propaganda machine. Now they have been getting it full blast since Obama.

Slowly those voters have switched accelerated by Trumpism to the point most of the rust belt went from solid blue to red in the last 20 years.

Meanwhile in a place like Georgia the religious old/right/racist folks have been voting red since 1980. It’s getting harder to get more of those because they don’t really exist that aren’t voting that way. Meanwhile Stacy Abams has done her thing and demographically the state has changed some and here we are.

All that to say my bold predictions is Dems lose Arizona, PA, Ohio, Nevada and they might hold GA, maybe even NC for the same reason. If i had to bet a super longshot NC would be the one.

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If I saw this near me I’d almost certainly go buy a white canvas and put “this guy gets no matches on grindr” and stand there with it just to the left of the “eat my ass” thing


NC is ded, like a million fewer Black people there than Georgia

It’s too bad we have to count on Black people turning out in greater and greater numbers every goddamn cycle to stop america from sliding into fascism but that’s basically the only thing we’ve got if even fucking Washington is competitive

How did you find my overpass


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Friendly FYI, I’ve talked to a lot of gay dudes about this kind of thing, and the consensus is that we’re usually less depressed at getting called the f slur than seeing allies call right wingers or homophobes gay

Yeah can’t disagree that the thing I said is somewhat questionable but to be honest just look at this picture, this guy has 4 distinct banners about, frankly, gay sex. With an almost certainly straight 85 or something year old guy. Its… a little strange!

In YAAF news, I thought you guys might like to see how the election is being reported over here.



Haha I recognise that news.com.au font anywhere


High quality publication, get all my in-depth analysis there.

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Are Californians moving to Ohio?