2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Well he has 8 posts in a topic with 6,700 posts and showed up all of a sudden to tell me to knock it off, so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t tempting a ban by continuing to discuss what I want to discuss in this thread.

OK, fair enough, thank you for your advice.


Of those 12, aren’t we expected to take a few of them? In particular a few of the CA ones?


If this is all Dems did to “help” Trumpy Rs, then it’s pretty fucking hilarious.

4 of those 5 in CA are possible. 41 seems unlikely. Everything could very well hinge on AZ 2 or CO 3

Yup, and it’s a vulnerability Dems don’t really have. Like, someone on here mentioned, “What if they do it back?”

Well, in order to do it back, our primary voters have to be susceptible to nominating batshit crazy candidates the general electorate won’t vote for. Seeing as we’re not the party of conspiracy theories, that’s asymmetrical warfare in our favor.

This is the price the GOP has to pay for cozying up to QAnon and batshit crazy Trumpers.

Boebert recount for control of the House. I called it into existence.

Probably. I’m too lazy to keep close tabs on every race since someone will do it for me if I just wait.

There’s also the Alaska second-round that’s a couple weeks away, we’ll win it, but it won’t get called in advance so that one won’t go on the board for a while officially.


well that still doesn’t change the point though unless CA benefits R’s in the ratio


Running out of veins


California has fair districts and the D’s will run up the score in several of them, including some that are D on D races. So it should benefit R’s in the ratio.


This is apparently the follow for Boebert updates.



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Small point but that’s not how odds work. If you think it’s 50% and he thinks it’s 99.5%, the midway point is ~75% or 3:1.

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Ding ding ding


Literally everyone at this website still thought on Monday that Trump flying around doing the stolen election bit was HELPING gop turnout

This is worse than sports journalists constructing narratives from RNG results


I was cautiously optimistic results wouldn’t be as bad as expected, but also prepared to be disappointed. There really isn’t much precedent for a midterm like this.

R voters turning on Trump (in enough #s to swing an election) is an inflection point. It’s very hard to see those coming.

What is your evidence that GOP voters turned on Trump

GOP turnout, is it down?

If so, do you have anything to link causation to Trump?