2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread


Y’all might want to reconsider “Actually taxes are pretty great and you don’t really pay as much as you think” as political messaging if you ever want to, you know, win elections.

Followup to the story about a journalist “hacking” a Missouri website that had teachers’ info like SS numbers in plaintext in the source code:

Missouri Governor Mike Parson made headlines last year when he vowed to criminally prosecute a journalist for reporting a security flaw in a state website that exposed personal information of more than 100,000 teachers. But Missouri prosecutors now say they will not pursue charges following revelations that the data had been exposed since 2011 — two years after responsibility for securing the state’s IT systems was centralized within Parson’s own Office of Administration.

I guess it turns out it’s not illegal to look at data sent to you in plain text over the public internet. Glad we got a 158-page report to clear that up. Next week in groundbreaking Missouri legal discoveries: it’s legal to open and read mail addressed to you.

The only thing that annoys me more than listening to deplorables talk about politics is listening to low-info co-workers I fundamentally agree with talk politics. I feel my anxiety increasing.



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My guess is that it’s Mabel’s BBQ, which I’ve never been to.

Jack’s never been south of the Mason-Dixon line apparently.

Yeah this stuff is like 50% of the population:

We are insulated.

Huh, I went down a rabbit hole reading about panpshchism a few weeks ago. Wild stuff.


They’re threatening the license of any doctor that doesn’t report. I assume that applies to teachers and lots of other places. That’s going to be really fucking bad.

Uh, it sounds like not just licenses but fucking jail.

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I really think aloof boomer DC Democrats are drastically underestimating how demoralizing it is for people on the ground fighting this absolutely monstrous horror movie villain shit to see party leadership move into year two of “we must work with republicans.”


True but licenses will be easier to get and a lot of motivation for lots of people

My experience is very Canada driven where we have had real or perceived doctors shortages my whole life. But this seems like a bad group of people to try to bully by threatening their licenses. If people have family doctors that retire or move because the don’t want to enforce these transparently evil rules, that will be very unpopular.

At what point are Twitter libs going to realize that nothing is ever going to happen


Uh, the GOP has been beating peen to doing unpopular shit that their base likes. You think the anti-vaxx party gives a shit about what doctors think? They’re already relishing a world where they can make a doctor who performs a D&C for an incomplete miscarriage prove in court that it wasn’t an abortion under penalty of $10k or more (and the docs can’t recoup anything if they win).

Does anyone know what the threshold for “child” is here? 18?



True enough, I am just wondering how much conservatives assume this bad stuff will only happen to someone else’s doctor. That is also very much in the deplorable wheelhouse - I love this hateful destructive policy but hold up, not when it impacts me personally, then I’m against it.