2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread


Honestly wasn’t too bad besides eating ground beef every day. Simple menu items instead of the gross stuff and light sour cream/cheese/sauce kept my toilet safe. I’m practically healthier after doing this because I’m skinny and don’t eat enough as it is.

I’m not at all sure which of these three tweets I’m expected to agree or disagree with.

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I’m actually not too impressed by this guys tweet. He seems to think he’s entitled to making more money than someone in a perceived lower class. If he’s upset that someone working in lowly service jobs is making more than him, he can fuck off imo.


I’ve seen a lot of that type of tweet. The answer is, your job should also pay more.

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I interpret those tweets as “our society values X over education”, but it carries a lot more weight for me when it’s an elementary school teacher. I don’t have a deep sense of the value of an associate professor of mathematics.


His dickish comment doesn’t really jive with his profile.

(maybe the “twitter was a mistake” one works)

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I’m sure a fast food manager works more hours and is under greater stress than a college professor.


That’s the guy who posted the original Panda Express thing, which I don’t think was dickish. I mostly posted the tweet because I thought the one calling him a dumbass was funny, and I also know those Panda Express signs are misleading because that “salary” is including benefits like insurance and 401k matches that his salary as an associate professor probably doesn’t include.

Pretty sure I disagree with this.

He seems to be using the Panda Express salary as an example of a job that is clearly beneath him, yet pays more than he is making as a super-important professor. If he’s not punching down, I’m not sure why he posted that picture at all.

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looks like he knows he became the main character on twitter and doesn’t like it

It’s all a mystery now since his twitter is private and the guy who called him a dumbass has been suspended so I’ve exhausted all the avenues I know of to try to see the rest of the professor’s thread.

EDIT: Did some searching, guy’s confirmed a dickhead.

I promise that this tweet is not elitist, but anyway, I’m muting because my mentions are now unusable. Go hug a local educator.

The point of the tweet is that professors make way less than you think they do. That’s all. :heart:

I used to live near Westminster College. Across the street from where that Panda Express probably is. Eaten there too but I much preferred hanging out at the Barnes and Noble.

Yeah, this is nuts. Tenure + status + being in an intellectually stimulating line of work is waaaaaay more important than a few extra $k.

I feel like the average PhD holder would be a bit salty if after all of that education, they’re making less than someone managing a Panda Express. But Twitter is not the place to search for sympathy on that.

He can go work at Panda Express if it’s so easy.

That professor (and ~all of us ITT, including myself) would perform horribly as GM of a restaurant. It’s not easy work.

I don’t disagree with that.


Yeah. I think the fact that he is a college professor has a lot to do with it. If it were a first grade teacher making the post, I don’t think it would have had the same response.


Counter Point

I have met alot of associate professors of math, and I have a deep sense of their value. Whatever they’re getting paid, they shouldn’t complain.