2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Years ago we had to put my wife’s grandmother into skilled nursing on short notice. She didn’t have Medi-Cal yet so I paid out-of-pocket for 2-3 months while we got the paperwork and approvals completed. Once it was done I submitted for reimbursement and had a check for $20K+ within a week or two. I was absolutely flabbergasted.



Happy large boulder the size of a small boulder day.





good video of this issue from the aviation perspective:

Good video. I have a few related items on my reading list as well, but atm I’m looking into potatoes.


Quoted tweet below is from 2018.




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We have a lot of squirrels here. They’re cute but I’ve been stared down a few times. I don’t trust the little bastards.

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If squirrels are officially the enemy now, my dog stands at the ready to get right on the front lines.


Downing, upon researching appropriate titles to add to the collection serving 7th and 8th graders was LC Rosen’s Jack of Hearts (And Other Parts). The book garnered favorable reviews, and Downing vetted it carefully.

“On Thursday, December 9th, my principal entered the library, carrying the book, appearing quite upset,” explained Downing. “She said that a student had come to her and shared a section from the book and wanted to know why she allowed it at the school.”

When asked if the principal had read the book, she said no, and Downing said that he stood by his inclusion of the book in the library and the student and/or their parents may file a formal complaint, per policy. The principal agreed to read the book in full before proceeding.

The following day, she emailed Downing asking for a list of all “sexually explicit books” in the library. Hours later, she then instead asked for a meeting after school, and wanted Downing to bring all “sexually explicit” books with me.

Cliff notes: Principles are preemptively pulling books from their libraries to avoid right wing backlash.

A small point. In the video, he says the reason 5g is not an issue in Europe is the frequencies used there are 400 MHz further away from those used by the altimeters. But judging by the graph he presents (essentially the same as the one in the article we previously discussed), that’s not enough to avoid potential interference.

There are other factors which would tend to mitigate this risk in Europe compared to the US but little evidence that it matters.

I am constantly amazed by the ikes to CN transition. All of you guys who say ikes hasn’t changed are absolutely insane. Like 10yrs ago can you imagine ikestoys extoling the virtues of some rich dude taking advantage of the social safety net. I’d have thought someone hacked his account.

I guess the cynic could argue that the only reason for the change of heart is because it now it affects him. But I don’t think it’s that given all the other fairly reasonable posting he has done here. I think he’s changed in a lot of positive ways. Of course, in plenty of ways he is the same old ikes. But this is still an amazing trajectory. Give him another 20 yrs and we’re probably going to have a Bernie bro.


Watched this again recently. Classic scene.


Reading Anne Applebaum about pro-Russian Americans

Hollander was writing about left-wing intellectuals in the 20th century, and many such people are still around, paying court to left-wing dictators in Venezuela or Bolivia who dislike America.

This might be an article of faith in the right wing CIA coups are great circles she runs in, but if I were an editor I’d probably pick easier target to just throw in there

She also seems to believe the Christian right is motivated by Christian values, like they actually GAF about abortion and going to church. I’m going to credit the pro-Russian conservatives with understanding exactly what that country is.
