2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

The key to working in big corporations is to fight fire with fire, basically. They put transactional sociopaths in charge so you should expect to be treated that way and act accordingly. I wish I had a more life affirming answer than that but in my experience people suffer in large companies when they get caught in a confusion vortex because the company that keeps telling them they care about their wellness keeps treating them like a resource to wring shareholder value out of. I wish it wasn’t this way but the evidence is very clear in my opinion.


It’s hard for normal people to deal with unrepentant assholes. So much so that when they try to respond in kind they often do so in really politically self-destructive ways.


thanks that’s what I figured.

Yeah, well a key to responding in kind is that you have to adopt the superficially charming aspect of the sociopath and “play nice” while also looking out for number 1. I am probably considered one of the more pro-social (cooperative, friendly, helpful) people in my team, but I am also very demanding on compensation and setting boundaries and saying no. I’m not stupid enough to say “no I can’t do that project because I spend hours every work day on a time sucking politics forum”. But I also don’t let them give me so much work that I can’t hang out here preaching all day.


Thank you for your service.

Yes, and it absolutely does suck that society (at least North American capitalist society) works like this. But I think of the unpleasantness of corporate culture as kind of being like rain on a camping trip. It sucks, but I can’t control it and I’m still going to find a way to enjoy my camping trip even if it rains. That’s kind of a weird metaphor but holy moly do I ever see a lot of people in the work place doing things that are roughly equivalent to burning a lot of energy complaining that the rain is not fair while their camping gear gets soaked.

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I can do the whole thing, I’m not naive and am good at standing up for myself and usually get tagged for advancement early in a company. but I find the things I have to do to continue make me really hate myself, and then I implode.


My apologies if mentioning privilege caused you any discomfort.

I’m agreeing with your posts. There’s no hidden meaning or innuendo.

All I ever learned doing a crappy service job was that crappy service jobs suck.


Yeah but that’s a good life lesson for being a generally empathetic citizen in an economy that is increasingly service driven. “Karen” memes exist specifically because so many priviliged people have no empathy for service workers.


An arrest affidavit obtained by WFAA revealed more details about a viral video of a woman’s racist attack on other women outside a popular Plano restaurant, including more racist comments not caught on the previously-released video.

According to the arrest affidavit, the group of women told police that Upton approached them and began yelling at them to go back to India and that “Indians are ruining this country.” This is when the group of women started recording Upton, the affidavit says.

Police said the group of women told officers Upton hit them, which she admitted to and the viral video also shows. The affidavit also says Upton continued to maker racially-charged comments throughout her conversation with the officer on scene.

According to the affidavit, Upton told police she became agitated when the group called her a “white woman.” Upton originally stated to police she was a “first generation” American, but later said she was “second generation,” told police that she is “Mexican-American” and “Native-American” and lives in a $1.5 million home.

Upton admitted to police she struck one of the women because they were “videoing and saying all of this (expletive) that I wasn’t doing. And that’s what they do. Just like the black people,” the affidavit said.

Man talk about digging yourself a deeper hole. It’s a pretty common occurrence in America, but also because of the prevalence of guns you get these ominous near misses

The affidavit also says one of the three videos recorded by the group of women shows Upton saying “I’m going to blow your (expletive) brains out” and “I swear to God I am going to shoot your (expletive).”

According to the affidavit, after being asked for her identification, Upton asked police if they’d like to see her license to carry a firearm as well. The officer asked Upton if she was “carrying” at the time, and she said she wasn’t, but stated that her firearm was in her vehicle.

People get into fights, even over racist shit, all of the time, everywhere in the world, and violence escalates, but in America can you have someone threaten to shoot you and they actually have a gun in the car with them.

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i understand what you mean, and i do agree to some extent, but this easily becomes a bootstraps argument when given from a place of privilege. like you can’t have something unless you started all the way at the bottom flipping burgers and cleaning bathrooms. loganroyfuckoff.gif. college should be an inclusive and challenging environment, not a sink or swim with sharks and no lifeguards.

yea and luckily I have enough privilege where I was able to phone a friend/relative in the case of, for instance, my registration being suddenly placed on hold 4 hours before classes open for enrollment, until you pay $600 you had no way of knowing you needed to pay to begin with because the system is a grinder that tries to break you.

that can be an insurmountable amount of money depending on your situation.

Have no idea why this is so awesome. It just is.



This is like the Mets version of that guitar guy in Mad Max Fury Road.


I would expand this from Ivys to all decent R1s, like at least the top 100 public research universities in the U.S., although I’m agnostic on one being better or worse. I’m not even sure what the outcome variable(s) are supposed to be here or how we’re measuring them. It ultimately seems irrelevant to me anyway, sort of like how I don’t really care where people went to high school or how NBA vets don’t care if some touted rookie went to DOOK as they’re thunder dunking over them. The only thing that really matters in the end is what you can do, and I haven’t seen good evidence that there’s an effect of undergrad quality on that.

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It caught me off guard that they’re already seeing planets. But this thing is huge. Much larger and it would be a star.



That’s important, but it’s not just empathy. It’s about being exposed to other classes of people and appreciating them as people. Not just being considerate because their socio-economic status may be less desirable and more precarious than yours, but like, would you have a conversation with them? Would you even know how to have a conversation with them?

The educated professional class tends to completely other the working class and below, and has little idea of how they actually live their lives. Something like relying on public transit and taking a bus to work - not lamenting the poor state of public transit, not commenting about how inconvenient and unpleasant it is to ride the bus, and not feeling sorry for people who have to do it. Just understanding what it’s like. Seeing them as real people. Maybe even knowing a couple of them by name.


I was watching it live. I wish the studio had kept the live views mostly on Tommy and on Diaz, rather than continuing to show crowd shots.