2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I met a guy in HS that was naturally that strong. He hated sports and was very uncoordinated, so they tried and failed to get him into football as a lineman or something. Absolutely massive guy with polynesian roots, not fat, but you know the build. One time someone’s shitty little subaru had a flat tire, and as a joke he lifted the fucking car off the ground a bit, I shit you not. like he was barely trying. I can believe someone like Bo was naturally strong, but most athletes did use them.

Lance Armstrong won that exact type of lawsuit too.

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I see you failed to read the 2nd half of the sentence. Should I post in in italics?

definitely not totally flat but his weight was back on his heels and he didn’t take a gallop or anything before he threw, probably was 90+ mph.

with them putting all these position players into the pitcher slot, surprised more right fielders arent throwing absolute bullets, all those guys have incredible arms.

back in the day, raul mondesi had a pretty wicked throw to third.

WAT? He did a quick reshuffling of his feet and then took multiple steps toward the target before throwing. It’s like the announcer said flat footed and everybody believed that instead of their eyeballs.

typical long outfield throw


honestly looks like he’s throwing on a little league field

Bo wouldn’t be appreciated if he came up these days. Everybody would scream steroids.

In the 80s, it was more of a boutique thing. People were doing coke instead.

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Ok I’m just going to assume some people are operating with a different definition of “flat footed” than I am, because the only other explanation is that you’re blind.


Yes, I need to calm down. My bad. The nonstop cynicism for points just gets to me sometimes.

ETA: I see what’s really going on here. SEC football hate. Carry on.

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I more or less agree with your take. There are a couple of ways that the runner taking third usually gets thrown out by the RFer:

(a) tagging up on a deep fly ball
(b) rounding first on a single to right

For type (b) throws the fielder is often coming in to meet the ball and the basically have a running start in the general direction of third when they make their throw, and then can get a lot on it. On a deep fly ball to right the fielder usually has to do some kind of shuffling of their feet to get a good throw. Sometimes the fielder will have time to “settle” under the ball and take a few running steps, but often they just get an instant to set their feet and throw. I think calling that Bo throw “flat footed” is a bit of an exaggeration, but he probably wasn’t able to use as much momentum to third as a lot of RFers, particularly those charging in on a ball in play.

I’m not trying to hate on Bo, it’s just that I think he used steroids based on a lot of things, like a lot of dudes generally did in the 80s/90s (hello Nebraska and MSU). Auburn employed Tony Fitton when Bo was there too.

Don’t think that takes away from the crazy shit he did

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If steroids were so great, the Boz would’ve stopped Bo. Ergo, natural Bo beat roided Boz.


I really enjoyed this book by a Canadian writer. It isn’t just about baseball, but a central narrative in the story is about his young baseball loving family growing up in the early 2000s and the simultaneous emergence of Ichiro. It’s not like a life changing book or anything but I also remember the kind of transcendent beauty of Ichiro’s game in his peak. It was really something.

Round 2

she’s floating again

Bo is also on record saying he rarely lifted and hated it.

It’s entirely plausible that he didn’t juice.

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JK Rowling is out there having a normal one.
