2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

yea i get the worst tech sales guys in my inbox that cant figure out despite me telling them that I’m not a decision maker nor am i anywhere near a budget or anything like that, i’m a low level grunt, the best thing they can hope for is me irritating my boss about their product.

sometimes they wanna know who they can talk to and i’m like uhhhh why would i provide you that info?

Happened with us. They did provide a list of supplies for parents to buy themselves by grade, but then you have class specific item requests on top of that, but they offered a ‘school package’ that they said covered everything but didn’t provide a list of what was in it

if you actually needed what they’re selling then you probably would but otherwise just ignore these guys

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kids these days don’t know what they’re missing out on


hahahaha oh wow

listen don’t count on equity to mean shit at a startup. if you’re in early enough to where it might actually be significant, the chances of paying off are very small. If you’re in so late that the chances of it paying out are high, the payoff itself will be peanuts.

I know way, way more people that got killed on taxes (left a company, exercised their options on the way out, paid taxes upon exercising, company went under later) than came out with a life-changing payout

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well it certainly comes with disclaimers like don’t make dumb decisions, eg buying options out if the product sucks. (disclaimer i am currently spending five figures buying my options)

i’m just making the point that science degrees aren’t shut out of the acquisition/ipo game.

it. all. depends. on. the. place.

i have an old boss that left like 3 different situations that had a 1m+ payout shortly before they paid out, hahahaha

you’re right tho, i treat company shares like sklansky dollars

I’m saying it’s very easy to think something is a sure thing when it’s not. The places I’ve been where people got rinsed on taxes involved companies that are super hot, with a product that had insane enthusiasm/market fit etc, and the company still imploded. I was fortunate to stick around long enough that when I left it was pretty clear what was about to happen so I didn’t exercise (even then, when the writing was on the wall, several cow-orkers thought I was insane to leave options on the table). The company was liquidated about six months after I left and I heard they were literally days away from missing payroll.

nothing is a sure thing. that’s why i qualified it with doing “a few stints with options”. better chance of hitting an exit once that way, and accruing equity while on a decently sized grant, rather than much smaller refreshers when you stay too long at a place.

I “Report Spam” so that hopefully their email sender reputation goes into the shitter. “I’m doing my part!” - Starship Troopers

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Billionaires need more super yachts so kids can’t have school supplies. 'Merica.

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Man, zoos make me incredibly depressed. Especially the large apes. You can see just how close to human intelligence these things are and they are stuck in an enclosure slightly bigger than my house for their entire lives. Its depressing as fuck

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Where have you been? Republicans have spent the past 30+ years relentlessly shitting on public education and making being a public school teacher the most miserable job in America. Teachers having to buy their own supplies has been a thing for an age now.

Mid-jan to pre spring break are about the only reasonablr times to go to Disneyland. Maybe possibly a short time in May prior to Memorial Day as well, but thats about it

Yeah I got a really strange kind of joy knowing that I could get on Mission Breakout in 15 minutes as opposed to 1.5 hours, and its because I found out how to game the system.


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Thiiiiiis. If I do end up moving to OC, this is 100% on my list of things to do

Well I haven’t been in school or had kids for those 30+ years. Sure, I’ve heard all the stories about the underfunded schools and teachers buying supplies, but I was thinking like they had to buy their own packets of gold star stickers or dry erase markers or whatever. Hearing multiple people talking about routinely dropping 4 figs per kid per year is pretty shocking. This is clearly not something a median wage worker can afford, and I can’t imagine many of them are doing it.

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It baffles me why anyone who doesn’t have a criminal record applies to be a public schoolteacher. Just seems miserable.

The people that buy tech stuff at my company never use it and don’t even ask the people who do what they want so they just buy from the hottest salesperson.

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