2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Yeah this was 2017, made enough to pay for a little vacation between the end of med school and residency, then quit.

Why not poker?

Need money to make money with poker, and I was flat broke at the end of my med school loans before getting residency paychecks. There’s this two month gap that is really fucking hard to graduating med students.

What a fucking asshole this guy is



I have this weird urge to just drive in circles around his house honking constantly.


after gas and everything else I made less than min wage driving lyft/uber in 2015-2018

would be absolutely shocked if that wasn’t still the case

people get in indentured servitude with lyft and uber. companies prey on poor people and offer them a vehicle if they clear x rides/week, otherwise the driver owes some insane markup. the rides/week are always impossible or require driving 18 hours a day.

not unlike what cab leasing companies do, but uber/lyft are in on it and enable it. there may even be programs now where they themselves lease cars outright, I have no idea, been a while

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well you could take the cab to reston and ride the silver line from there.

silver line extension all the way to dulles should be completed soon

also they’ve been caught pants on fire so many times with these claims it’s honestly hilarious they still try.

almost certainly if that number isn’t made up it’s sampling the most cherry picked data possible and is pre-lyft fees and definitely not factoring in driver expenses like gas, or car wear and tear (something rideshare drivers NEVER calculate for - that kind of driving can be north of 20c/mile!).

disgusting business really and I’m solidly on the side of old school cab drivers these days.

there’s no consequence when they get caught, so why would they stop


Fallout from oohing and aahing over pretty pictures.

found myself with a bigger calorie budget than I’ve been used to lately so I’ve been workin my way through the ben and jerry catalogue. my god these guys are geniuses. after years of only eating choco chip cookie dough, I didn’t know the DEPTH of flavors they have out there.

a version that’s blowing my mind lately are the TOPPED ones. I just ate a TOPPED (says this on the front) salted caramel brownie. unreal. it comes with a fudge crust on top and pockets of caramel that ooze out when you reach them.

they also have some crazy formula goin on with their stuff, ben and jerry’s can go from rock solid frozen to perfectly soft within a couple of minutes, and then doesn’t get runny. how do they do it?

also no one chime in and tell me they’re secretly like child molesters or donate to the NRA or some crap, I want to enjoy what I enjoy

Sorry, man.

blowing my mind

On the list would include bread, crackers, cookies, fried snacks, cream cheese, ice cream, candy, soda and hot dogs.

oh that’s fine as long as I can retain the image of ben and jerry as two mild mannered sociopaths that diverted their dark impulses into remarkable ice cream flavors.

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They are good peeps with a pretty spotless record and a history of supporting just causes. At least imo.

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oh yea wow, surprisingly solid track record, especially on israel stuff.

I think the definition is loose but generally means foods heavy in preservatives and fats/sugar/sodium.

I know what you’re getting at though, lots of that pop dieting advice is generally bunk. my diet on paper looks extremely unhealthy but I’ve had 18 months of pretty flawless bloodwork now, to the point I’ve been asked what my diet’s like and if I answered honestly I doubt they’d buy it.

seems like a self-own to send people who want to work out of your state, but what do i know

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Reminds me of a famous paper by Nobel Laureate labor economist David Card

processed carbohydrates like flour

So unless you’re using 100% whole grain flour, your homemade bread is going to give you dementia

No (edit: ok, maybe yes, but probably not ultra-processed). I agree it’s pretty vague, I have also noted this. Also no clear mechanism for why it’s bad. But there does seem to be good evidence that the stuff on the list is bad for you. This isn’t the only study on this. There was an Australian study last week and IIRC there was one last year and these are just the ones addressing negative cognitive effects. There’s more on weight gain.

Wiki isn’t that satisfying either. Generally the stuff that is categorized as ultra-processed has long ingredient lists, ingredients that aren’t found in home kitchens (preservatives and such), a long shelf-life, lots of salt, fat, sugar, and little fiber.