2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I think I found an InsoO post on Quora




Got to love Andrew. Making a position no one has said, attributes it to the progressive movement and then opposes it.

To be fair, the piece is pro Drag Queen Story Hour, his complaint is this:

From the DQSH site: the hour “captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models … kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.”

And his issue is:

But the idea that a drag queen — rather than, say, a firefighter or a pilot or a tennis player — is somehow an ideal role model for young gay children is, in its misguided progressivism, actually regressive. A hefty majority of gay kids have absolutely no interest in being a drag queen. Presenting it as a model for gayness is part of a misguided bid to impose the postmodern concept of “queerness” on all gay people. It’s right back to my own childhood, when I could see no role models for being gay except drag queens or flamboyantly effeminate men. Drag queens actually made me think I wasn’t gay, because I had no desire to be one. In the gay rights movement, we spent many years getting past these stereotypes — only to have the woke reimpose them with as much zeal as the religious right used to.

I mean, whatever. I kind of agree that the benefit for kids here is broad tolerance of many different kinds of people and the idea that the point is to provide them with “unabashedly queer role models” is an unnecessary and didactic intrusion of ideology, but… whatever.

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The point he is missing is that exposing kids to the more “extreme” version of queerness normalizes the majority of queer people. It tells kids that all forms of gender and sexual expression are ok.

Yeah, I don’t know, maybe. He tells an anecdote of taking his niece and nephew (7 and 5 respectively) to see some drag queen and then they also met the dude in normal dress later and his nephew refused to believe it was the same person. So it’s hard to see how the nephew took any message about gender or sexual expression from that. But like, what Sullivan is complaining about here is really just the copy on the DQSH website, so there’s not even any disagreement here really. I think everyone agrees kids should be exposed to a wide variety of personal expression and be taught that it’s all OK.

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I think it comes down to Andrew’s bedbug of either desiring or demanding full assimilation for LGBTQ people so that anything thats outcome of the norm must be paired with a disclaimer that it is abnormal and what really should be desired is normalcy, in this case in children’s aspirations.

Like the “rather than” part of the piece you quoted earlier is wholly made up by Andrew. No one’s saying “be a drag queen rather than a firefighter”, there saying “Drag queens are ok” but for Andrew that’s fine so long as you pair it with “drag queens aren’t the norm though, you can be (and probably should be) a queer fire fighter or policeman”

All this pairs with Andrew’s fellow travelers who want to destroy anything LGBT so he gets to nod along with rabid religionists who are like “the pride flag is an abomination” and say “you know they have a point we shouldn’t be so flamboyant” but then he occasionally has to be like “uh drag queens are not pedophile rapists” to his fellow travelers.

Andrew Sullivan is a phrenologist moron and nothing he says should be taken seriously. I guess being the token gay Republican who tells you the left are the Real Homophobes is his new grift now.

I finally picked up “the three body problem” after seeing it recommended here several times and it was just incredible. You should definitely read it if you have even a passing interest in sci fi.


We are the baddies


‘and yet’ and not ‘and because of that’

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I’m starting to think there might be two completely different books titled “The Three Body Problem”, and I read the terrible one.

Did it start off with a struggle session during the cultural revolution?

You could replace Colombia with about 12 other Latin American countries and this would hold just as true.


It did. That part was good, and it stayed good for awhile. Then it began meandering around a bit pointlessly and never got back to the level it started at, although it did remain interesting.

Honestly, I think the second book was so bad that I transfer some of my hatred for it to the first one unfairly.



hahaha wow well the good news is disney is cranking out tv shows just for you


@bayareabros, sad day. Looks like Cedar Fair is selling Great America in Santa Clara to RE developers. Its set to shut down “Sometime in the next 11 years” whatever the fuck that means.

Was my home park for the entirety of my childhood. Will have to go now for one last ride on The Demon


Yea, I generally start skimming when authors lean too hard into incel stuff, but I’m all for stories where the people in charge are extremely dumb.


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