2021 NFL Gameday Thread

Well, these games suck.

Man directv red zone just hates Denver and Baltimore. Only game still in doubt - letā€™s not show anything.

If the Steelers could move down the field and do the fieldgoal first thing, that would be appreciated.

Iā€™m gonna skip jesus returning to his homeland



Now that gambling is cool and weā€™re constantly spammed with sports betting ads, could we get some legal online poker plz?

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canā€™t place the name, but getting serious cat serial killer vibes off that photoā€¦

Well, with the way the last two Sundays have gone, probably for the best.

On the plus side, I can eat gummies and listen to everyone hug Bradyā€™s nuts all night.

Richard Sherman is out of jail? And back in the league??? And starting tonight???

I feel like that shouldnā€™t be a touchback, but Iā€™m not really sure what else it could be.

Rough overturn.

Every run is a functional spike.

Patriots spent all that money in free agency and really arenā€™t a better team than last season

I donā€™t know dick about football but BB has to be pulling some serious Houdini shit.

lol amazing sequence of rungood there Pats

Pats offense just plain sucks. It is hopeless.

Iā€™m a huge bucs fan, our defense will make them look great.

Lol running.

Jones is clearly the best rookie QB.