oh for fuck’s sake, taunting.
All teams should just have a gentleman’s agreement to decline all taunting penalties. Fuck Goodell.
that’s clear taunting
Make up call?
I don’t even know who Hyder is, but I luv him.
not putting in henry making it an obvious pass was a mistake even if he’s just a decoy and most people think you’re gonna pass they’re still gonna be scared of that guy
How does Brady only have 275 yards? ugh
Fat Mike up to his old tricks
Good work Dallas playing for the 56 YD FG attempt.
how fat mike how
I guess Fat Mike just knows how to win. Gotta have faith in your kicker in these spots.
kickers 50/50
Aw, Vikings.
fat mike settles for 56 and wins, vikings drive it all the way down and miss from 37
been like that for at least 10 years
make 56, miss 37
makes sense
Bad guys play bad and get there
America 2021
Too much time for russ
No TD, but better that they don’t score
Short, tough break for Seattle