2021 College Football Gameday Thread

lol herbestreit that’s a super obvious chop


lol fuck those two rapists


greear from 2+2?

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I always thought he was pretty fun … dunno why he got banned or watever drama

the detroit tigers thread was funny af

Dude is retweeting covid lies and other QAnon shit when he’s not pathetically trying to pump Dogecoin.

Is that truth?

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And he’s doing it from a Best Buy.


Have you met @JohnnyTruant

He might have you beat in a short off.


Woo hoo. Kick-ah gets one thru. Vastly superior outcome. I yield to the superior intellect.


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Only big ten team that’s made the playoff to never be shut out!


I had a 5’4" cousin who went to college on an NAIA football scholarship to play QB.

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Obv targeting. Probably revenge for what corum did earlier

There’s your sense of humor! You e been rewarded with a touchdown and a hollowed (hallowed?) rendition of the Victors. Glad to see you back. We B1G folks have to take our beatings with a smile.

LOL that was cute how those two sports photographers both quickly reached for their cameras on the ground for that UM touchdown.

Fuck Harbaugh I hate that guy so much


Believe this makes it 19 wins for teams from southeastern US and 4 wins elsewhere (OSU 3, Oregon 1) in the 8 years of the cfp.

Omicron still has a chance to win the title this year.

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My 5-7 son got blacklisted from varsity football. The players begged to let him return kicks at least. Crazy speed and legs. Finally the head coach went to a JV game where he ran 3 back and relented. He has some record for varsity returns still (15 years). But never got in as a receiver. The other Dads called him “the secret weapon” as in the coach didn’t know about him.

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I still don’t think the talent gap tonight was as wide as its been for previous iterations of “Alabama or Georgia or Clemson crush Midwest team”

There were three things that came to roost.

  1. Both teams were not used to playing from behind and shit could spiral quickly. This happened to Michigan very clearly.

  2. Still not convinced Gattis is worth a damn. He found success largely behind a good OL relying on spread versions of Harbaugh running schemes. No guarantees he’s an above replacement level College OC.

  3. Cade McNamara was never a National Title level QB. He had the high floor all season and was a huge reason we got to where we are, but he was never the guy to singlehandedly win a game against a better team. Michigan works from enough of a talent deficit that to have any title equity we need to have a first rounder at QB and he ain’t it.