2021 College Football Gameday Thread

I met someone from Tampa a few years ago who was absolutely shocked I didn’t know what Gasparilla was. It’s a huge pirate festival in Tampa every January I guess. It’s kinda like a Halloween reboot but only pirates, and according to her photos, lots and lots of slutty pirates.

Native Cincinnatian. Consider myself a fan, but not die hard. Mostly BB previously.
Have been to the campus.

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at least the bearcat fans know they’re going to a funeral



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Lol wut

Barstool lost their bowl.

Sorry, Dave!

lol fuck u Dave

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when are they gonna respect bama

All of Ohio State’s players are bailing on the Rose Bowl. I’m going to both delight in it and also think it’s the right move for the players, don’t maga red button meme me bro.


Players can do what they want. It’s not going to stop me from rooting for Utah pasting them worse than what Oregon got twice added to what Oregon did to them.

SEC failing in bowl season is sure to continue through 12/31 right?

Mike Leach is an enormous piece of shit and it drives me crazy his scumbaggery has gone almost completely under the radar.


WVU’s QB is named Jarret DOEGE?


It really disappoints and puzzles me that Lebatard keeps having him on and giving him airtime, even if it’s to make fun of him.

Dabo calling timeout when his team can kneel the clock out

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Have made the difficult decision to root for the evil empire (scUM).

Go Bl—

I just can’t say the whole thing.


Dax Hill might have COVID, not good

I can deal with his shtick until he starts throwing his players under the bus. Peel away the tough guy facade and he’s just a pathetic coward. One of my least favorite humans.

Latest message board chatter says he’ll likely play fwiw. No idea about the veracity of this. Don’t think it’s a coincidence his dumbass NFL antivaxx brother was really poised.

edit: and rechecking the 247 board Sam Webb says there’s a chance, but doesn’t seem to hopeful.

“Mayo Bowl” is really the perfect name for this game because this matchup bland as fuck

well maybe the sec can win this one