2020 Senate + House Races

Oh noes he had an affair I’m forced to vote GOP.



Word o n the street is that Kelly beat McSally so badly, that the reps salted the earth afterword so that no republican can ever hold a senate seat there to save themselves the embarrassment of something like this happening again.

Did anybody watch?


Collins is very alive in senate polling since she’s still running well ahead of trump there.

for her, it probably depends on the hearings.

AZ senate on PI is like 86 or something LOL

Higher than Colorado on fivethirtyeight!

538 gives too many points for incumbency. Outside of Collins trying to hang on in Maine I don’t think there is that much difference. Should’ve learned that in 2018 when that site screwed all that up with dem senators in redland.

(that said, hickenlooper will run behind biden in CO, just not that much)

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“it sounds like she is proud of her support of president trump.” lol no it doesn’t wtf


Someone then posted it with the beginning showing her doing this awkward, clearly-practiced, “I’m your girl” thumb wag shtick. It’s all just wave your hands around phony con bullshit with these people. She is repulsive.


Does her voice always sound raspy like that? Was she at the Rose Garden ceremony?

She should have gone with the Trump love here - “I’m not sure who President Trump is, I’ve never met him.”



GOP at 38 to hold the Senate on PredictIt seems like free money.

Dems have two wins in the bag and one loss (CO/AZ, AL). Assuming Biden wins, they need two more pickups.

Collins looks to be doing OK. NC is probably lost because of Cunningham’s scandal. Let’s say they get one of these. They still need one more, all in states where Trump will likely see a bounce and a win. GA is very unlikely because of the runoff. SC would require Harrison outrunning Trump by 10+, which I just don’t see happening. MT actually has a history of Dems doing well, but I don’t see it in a presidential election year with Trump’s popularity.

Leaves us with IA. That is certainly a toss-up and can go either way. Seems like it’s all going to come down to that seat and Dems certainly aren’t favored.

I disagree. I think Iowa is on the Dem side of toss up. I think NC is on the Dem side of toss up. I think Maine is on the Dem side of toss up to lean Dem. CO, AZ are flipping. I think Dems have 25-45% equity in each of a half dozen other states that won’t necessarily come all or nothing.

And the 2022 map looks great for Dems too.

In a just world, when McShitty loses a second time, the governor who appointed her to that seat despite the AZ voters’ clear indication that they DID NOT WANT her as their senator should mean he loses his job as governor as well, even though he’s not up for re election.

Because it’s not like running a turn and river. If Biden loses, it means that there was a big polling error, and he actually was never ahead.


Or that the republicans cheated like motherfuckers… ya know, one or the other.

Baseline seems to be Dem pick up ME / AZ / CO, lose AL. That gets us to 49.

The remaining states are, in order of my hopefulness:

North Carolina
South Carolina

After that we’re down to longshots like Texas / Alaska / Kansas.

50 / 50 seems good if Biden wins but I think we really need a minimum of 52 to do anything meaningful because of lol Manchin and Diane Feinstein’s corpse. That means we’re going to have to win Montana, South Carolina or Georgia. That’s tough sledding, we really need Trump to keep shooting himself in the head on 5th avenue.