2020 Senate + House Races

Maybe he was aiming for the presidency by cheating on his wife.


Man, not even an honorable dick pic?

Remember when a guy named Weiner got caught sending dick pics? This world isn’t real it’s so obvious.




If I can find this on local TV I will be watching and recapping for UP


Reporting for duty


Both candidates very nervous in opening statements.

Mod: lots of GOP folk gettin’ POZZED. They attended the super spreader event. No masks. WTF?

Graham: Woodrow Wilson got the Spanish Flu, what’s the big deal. Virus is from China. Vaccine coming in a month or less. We have to move on from the virus. We’re gonna confirm ACB, suck it libs. Nobody mentions the virus when thugs break windows. Again, I’m gonna confirm nazi judge lady.

Harrison: Uh, the question is about the virus Lindzee, WTF are you talking about? My aunt died from this fucking thing dickhead. Trump blew it on the virus, duh. Its real and we need to take it seriously.





Mod: Virus seems bad. Lets talk more about that.

Graham: no shut down, people drink more when theyre locked down (lol). Do you trust Trump or Democrats? They’re gonna win a sweep and impose communism. Harrison is a LIBERAL SOCIALIST.

Harrison: My kids are in school, this is a tough issue. Teachers are great folks. Total lack of leadership on the virus. Trump blew it. Governors blew it. We need real leaders and testing. Not that hard to say “weak a mask” assholes. Can’t open economy until we get real about the virus. 750k unemployed and asshole LINZEE won’t support any additional cash money.


Mod: Linzee, please give a canned stump response on unemployment.

Graham: only oppose unemployment because paying people more to sit on the couch than work is stupid. The virus is going to go away. Do you want liberals to abolish the electoral college and pack the court? We are paying people $23 per hour to not work, this is killing small business.

Harrison: can I respond?

Mod: lol no

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New Mod: ACB will probably overturn Roe v. Wade. What do you think?

Harrison: Men have rights to control their bodies, women should too. Between a woman, doctor and god, end of story. Rare safe and legal. More adoption and contraception. Bigger issue is health care. SC has super high infant mortality. Rural hospitals are closing. Linzee doesn’t care.

Graham: ACB is mega-qualified and we’re gonna jam her through no matter how many of us get POZZED. (His mic isn’t working as he rants, lolololol). We are one of 7 nations that murder babies at 20 weeks. ACB gonna stop that.

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Yet another Mod: horribly worded question about judges - trying to call out Linzee for hypocrisy but good god what a horrible question

Graham: ACB gonna get confirmed, got it? Thank you mods for now 3 straight questions on my best issue in South Carolina, appreciate the layups!

Harrison: “Use my words against me, we won’t fill the seat” quote. LOL you’re a massive hypocrite you fucking douche. You said you wouldn’t fill the seat. You’re a liar bro.


Sounds like Harrison is doing well based on these summaries (which I greatly appreciate)

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Linzee: (bullshit, made up reason he isn’t a liar)

Harrison: wish they had urgency about helping people like they do about ACB. No virus legislation, no relief legislation, they don’t do anything because they don’t care.

Mod: virus killing tourism in SC, what will you do?

Harrison: look at New Zealand. Huge tourism but they took it seriously and now they’re COVID-free. Not very helpful to block unemployment when tourism is down through no fault of their own. 750k people lost jobs and 450k lost health care. How are they supposed to pay rent and health care premiums? Linzee doesn’t care.

Graham: my family ran small businesses, need a Senator who understands what small business owners are going through. Did I mention unemployment pays people more not to work than they earn working. Can’t bail out stupid blue states. Need more money for business owners (lol). Vaccine is coming folks.

Mod: payroll tax deferral, gonna deplete entitlements, seems bad?

Graham: My parents worked a lot but got wiped out financially by illness (!!!), but we got social security benefits so I’ll protect them. I’ll take less money to save SS if I have to. Rich people need to take less benefits so everyone can have social security.

Harrison: payroll tax deferral is insane, Trump wants to make it permanent. My grandparents were broke without social security. Linzee talks a good game but he has repeatedly said we need to cut entitlements.

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If he actually called him a “fucking douche” I’d ship him $500 right now.

(missed a few minutes, nature called)

Graham: all the money pouring into this race is coming from other states. The libs are funding my opponent because they hate me. All the ads youre seeing are because they want to abolish the electoral college, steal your health care, let immigrants have free health care, and impose RADICAL SOCIALISM.

Mod: cool, man, how about systemic racism?

Graham: I don’t think police are racist. Reform seems fine, how about more black cops. Cops endorse me because I have their backs. My opponent wants to defund the police (Harrison laughs). Cops are being assassinated (actual quote). Cutting cops puts poors at risk, can’t cut police budgets.

Harrison: To be clear, Linzee lies a lot, I don’t want to defund police. My grandfather was a police officer and I get that there are good cops. But look around bro, obviously we have some bad apples. Black people are terrified of police. One question for Linzee: Trump’s budget cut community policing, you good with that?

Damn straight.

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