2020 Senate + House Races

I have no idea how Predictit works but I like how the blue line goes up and the red line goes down. The place where they cross is pretty good too.


my portfolio has a giant up arrow today I like that part

anyway, Linz is a bit shook, the constitution party candidate dropped out to endorse him (he always get around 2%–but R’s realizing this could matter and got him out of there is amazing)

Wasn’t McGrath’s pitch that she is more aligned with Trump than Mitch?

Agree. I think Collins has learned her lesson.

Going to lose NC now because of this idiot


Sexting while married strikes again


Fuck no. This is abso-fucking-lutely awful news.

FUCK! This was one of the easier flips. These are the times when I wish Democrats didn’t have a moral compass.


How close was the race?

Things are polarized this year. He might win anyways.

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Yeah I mean that’s the hope. It’s pretty well polled and I’m just going off memory, but he’s leading anywhere from +1 to +7 depending on the poll. Not much else to do but hope he survives.

well maybe he’ll get lucky and something bigger will end up in the news as a distraction


Just saw this, fuck wtf

The Cal Cunningham thing seems… Not that bad?

He sexted some woman and both were married, nobody has accused them of anything in person. Plus it’s going to fly under the radar in a big way.


Love your optimism here and definitely hope you’re right!

If we’ve learned anything from Republicans. Don’t drop out, attack your opponent for being an asshole if and when he brings it up.

Just locker room sexting

“At a time when we’ve lost 200k and counting, with tens of millions of jobs lost, I don’t think the voters of NC care about a candidates personal life. And attacks on morality are rich coming from the party of Donald Trump.”


It wasn’t even sexting it was pretty PG kissting.

Thanks guys, I feel better about it this morning but still anxious for the next round of polls taken post-text release.

Yeah the “sexting” is funny


So he tried to cheat on his wife but instead probably got catfished by a Republican operative?