2020 Senate + House Races


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ā€œIā€™ll stomp out the competition!ā€

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Iā€™ll filling out my Georgia Democratic primary ballot and there are a couple ā€œnon-partisanā€ general elections for state Supreme Court. They are ā€œnon-partisan,ā€ yet both candidates in each are Republican. Awesome.

I think Iā€™m just voting for both women. One is the challenger and she had to fucking sue to get on the ballot because basically every time a Justice decides to step down, the governor appoints a replacement, rather than there being an election like thereā€™s supposed to be. This is her first time on the ballot in like three tries. So I at least appreciate her giving a ā€œfuck youā€ to the state, sort of.

I was going to do the same thing and vote for the other challenger, but heā€™s a ā€œrule of lawā€ guy. What clinched it was his Twitter account. Lots of MAGA and anti-Antifa bullshit.

To me the Bollier polling looks like the type where sheā€™ll get exactly what she polls but the other candidate gets the undecideds in the end and she loses. Kinda depends on the nominee though, kobach maybe people donā€™t like him but everyone else? Possible but doubtful I guess.

You can just say ā€œpro-fascistā€ instead.




Senate race in South Carolina is gonna be 2018ā€™s Tennessee isnā€™t it? A bunch of hype for a dem senator then itā€™s lol not even close right?

If itā€™s confirmed that heā€™s gay, that might make it more like Alabama, although turnout and fundraising wonā€™t rise on the Dem side the way it did there. If nothing changes between now and the election, I agree that Linzee wins in a landslide.

Almost certainly.

Only way it flips is if the Trump margin over Biden is 3% or less. If itā€™s not (and reminder that Trump won by 14 points in 2016), Harrison ainā€™t winning.


The fundraising will shoot up for Harrison if itā€™s still polling close in a few months.

Yes, but itā€™s not crazy to think a big part of turnout and fundraising for Doug Jones came from the fact that his opponent assaulted underaged girls. Being gay is no big deal to most potential Democratic voters, so that wonā€™t be a big driver of the campaign on the Dem side.

Our base hates Graham, and suppressing the opponents vote is just as important as increasing your own. Tough to draw conclusions from a special election, though.

Thatā€™s my friend I was mentioning earlier this thread.


The only reason I know about this guy is he supports UBI. Can he beat Mitch? Honestly I donā€™t even know if he will win his primary.


Pretty much.

God was that a disappointing outcome. The difference between Bredesen and Blackburn is a giant fucking chasm, and for how decent of a Governor he was with a strong favorability rating, it should have at least been close.

Now we have that fucking ghoul in the senate for as long as she wants

Kavanaugh sunk him, bredesen decided to support him but it cost him dem votes. He still gets killed the other way though.

also in I still donā€™t believe you polling news


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Itā€™s a bad sign Iā€™ve never heard of this guy. Regarding this raceā€“Booker is the bernie wing of support and McGrath is running under dem establishment.

Mitch has to be super, super hated for dems to even a chance in KY as KY has turned harder republican. Well he is, but thirteen points behind trump when nov rolls around? Canā€™t buy that one.

editā€“from the above poll, which was conducted from May 21-24, found that McGrath currently leads McConnell 41% to 40%, which is well within the margin of error. But after voters are told that it is McGrath, not McConnell, who agrees with President Trump on term limiting Congress, she jumps out to a 15-point lead.

Seems really dumb to actually run a campaign on but I guess TERM LIMITS it is.

0 shot at winning the primary. Iā€™ve got Charles Booker at a 5% shot at winning the primary. I thought it was 100% McGrath about a week ago.

This one seems like a 0% chance to me. But KY Dem Gov + Mitch having the worst approval record in Congress = mayyyyyybe?