2020 Senate + House Races

Obama endorsed Warnock a few days ago, along with Jimmy Carter and last year’s gov runner up Abrams. Dunno if that poll accounts for that but it’d make sense.

Quinnipaic is the trafalgar of the left

lol - just saw a Karen Handel ad. It was a bunch of nothing. It was about her health care “plan”:

  1. Lower drug costs - Yes, Republicans always say this
  2. Protect pre-existing conditions - Congratulations! You have no work to do!
  3. Insurance portability - Hey, great, if I get laid off, I can keep my insurance. Awesome! Now I have to pay the entire premium!
  4. Something something senior citizens?


Quinnipaic is a left leaning pollster and typically have Dem leaning results. Your meme indicated that It was impressive that he led in a quinnipaic poll

Quinnipiac is a skewed left pollster, Trafalagar is a skewed right pollster.

Aren’t they A rated by 538? I thought they were pretty good.

Historically they’ve been very Dem leaning. They’ve improved their methodology supposedly since 2016 but still they always have some of the largest Dem leads of anyone

538 has them as B+

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I’m pretty sure that 538 grades don’t have much to do with left or right bias more just overall methodology. I will say my friend at Cook political says Q has gotten much better this cycle and likes them.

My left leaning analysis is a mixture of historical bias + anecdotally seeing a ton of their polls showing up as left outliers with no counterexamples that I have seen on the right.


Yea I dunno for sure, this seems to indicate they do but who knows.


Same poll had the Senate race at 48-48. It’s pre-debate.




What the fuck is that? Good Lord. GJGE eDems.

Loved it!

So glad RBG died for that ad.

that was awful jesus

but like every ad should be just to troll mitch at this point so?

Should have gone with a borderline racist cartoon of Mitch kowtowing to Elaine Chao’s father.