2020 Senate + House Races

I think the thing that rubs people the wrong way about Kennedy primarying Markey isn’t that he’s primarying a (very well established) incumbent, it’s that he’s not doing it for any obvious benefit to the people. He’s not presenting a significant policy departure from markey (at least, he hasn’t made that an argument in his campaign). It’s just purely for his own career benefit.







It’s the kennedy senate seat and 2022 if brown runs for senate it might be a tough race since brown is actually the most popular politician in mass right now.

I mean he could’ve waited and hoped warren left or tried to run against her I guess or gov as noted but also when he decided to run he would’ve been the favorite, things changed on him fast.

I don’t know why it just occurred to me, but damn, Massachusetts has an elite Senator duo. I mean, that’s got to be #1, right?


by far.

Hawaii is probably a distant second

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My reps are Pressley, Markey and Warren. Boston still supporting real American ideals 250 years later.


I have Loeffler and Perdue. So…yeah. At least McBath beat Handel in 2018.

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About once a month I remember Diane Feinstein is still a senator and it enrages me for at least an hour.


Oregon is probably close.

argh, Kevin de Leon was so much better than her, but voters are lazy.

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There was also some discussion on the 538 podcast about Pressley running when the Warren seat comes up, and Kennedy feeling like he’d rather take his shot now against Markey rather than waiting and having to run against Pressley.

Why in god’s name do people keep electing Kennedys? He doesn’t even have JFK’s good looks, he looks like Opie.

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Best Senator pairings by State

  1. MA
  2. HI
  3. OR
  4. VT

Worst Senator pairings by State

  1. KY
  2. GA
  3. AR
  4. NE

It gets really hard at #5 on both lists.

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That’s one possibility. Also TN, SC, ID, MS.

TN should definitely get a spot after Lamar Alexander is replaced (not that he was that great)

I almost want her to lose more than Trump


Why NE? Ben’s Ass doesn’t seem too bad relative to the modern GOP, and I’ve never heard anything at all about the other Senator.

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Yeah, Cornyn/Cruz way worse than Sasse/Fischer.

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