2020 Senate + House Races

This. Like this is politics, even if it’s true that someone is being ostracised, of course political reasons are in play. When we hear “college Democrat leaders” you’re imagining normal people with good faith intentions and I’m imagining an army of Neera Tanden clones.

Chapo opened their last show (released Monday night) by doing a bit where Will Menaker pretended to be doing a mea culpa for “grooming” the much younger Felix to join the podcast back when it started, I also saw vague references to it on Twitter, that’s why I made that post in the LC Thread asking if I should bother looking up the details. I don’t think it was a lucky guess on their part that they felt comfortable making fun of these allegations, the whole thing stank.

I have no problem with this whatsoever in any context. IDK if you have used Tinder but people set their own age brackets for matches, so if a 20 year old is getting an opportunity to swipe on this guy, it’s because said 20 year old has explicitly set in their age preferences that they want to meet guys of that age (as Tinder’s default settings would exclude this). This infantilization of an adult’s romantic and sexual choices (“grooming” etc) is fucking gross. Teacher/student relationships are frowned upon because of the possibility of coercive conduct, it’s not because we think it’s icky.

Based on the Intercept story, the actions I would have found objectionable seem not to have happened.




Ad of the cycle, perhaps? Might be the best one I’ve seen since AOC’s introductory ad.

Too lazy to find a link right now, but it looks like the MA Dem party not only knew what was coming, but had actively done everything they could to help make this a big story while maintaining the thinnest veneer of (im)plausible deniability. The attorney the accuser used to get his story out has close ties to the party and was recommended by then.


Cool now do it if 50% of mail in ballots don’t count…

Scary thing we haven’t started discussing yet. If they pull this USPS stunt off, they could sweep almost everything and end up with 60+ Senate seats and a massive House majority.

It doesn’t matter. If he pulls this off, Congress is a showpiece. Congress could be all Dems writing concerned letters all day while their family members are being put on busses to oblivion. Impeachment every week, with conviction. Response: Fuck you.

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More unexpected twists ITT.

AS THE PRIMARY in Massachusetts’ 1st Congressional District turned into a national story following allegations of misconduct against Holyoke Mayor Alex Morse, the state Democratic Party declined to weigh in, citing its policy to remain neutral in contested primaries.

But behind the scenes, the state party had been coordinating with the College Democrats of Massachusetts to launch those very allegations, according to five sources within the state party and connected to the CDMA, a review of messages between party leadership and CDMA leadership, and call records obtained by The Intercept. The documents show that the Massachusetts Democratic Party’s executive director Veronica Martinez and chair Gus Bickford connected the students with attorneys: among them was the powerful state party figure and attorney Jim Roosevelt, who worked with the college group on a letter alleging Morse behaved inappropriately.


This was reported in all places by a PCA (conservative Presbyterian sect) newsletter

We bag on him but this is seriously impressive from Preet’s 15 and 17 (!) year old kids:


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They are like 90%+ to be Bernie supporters.

Was expecting this last week but apparently they decided to announce Wassermans house changes first

Bump for Neal/Morse debate. Starts in 1 hour.


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I got excited but the GOP will still have the state Senate, and almost certainly a majority of the redistricting commission or whatever.

Yeah but the redistricting commission only draws lines for the state (so sorry TX but you’re fucked for a good long while on the state level). But for the federal house seats that will go to the courts if they bink a majority in the state house and don’t agree to fuck themselves (yeah, i know lol Trump judges but better than nothing).

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That pollster has been very bullish on the Dems in ways I find hard to believe (like cmon, McSally is not down 19 in Arizona, gtfoh with that). They’re a British firm that’s not rated by 538. I don’t know if they know what they’re doing in USA#1 politics.