2020 Senate + House Races

She also grew her voting base


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I noticed this with the articles about Rashida Tlaib and the one I checked for Ilhan Omar was the same: this whole narrative wasn’t based on any kind of polling, it was just news outlets running with whatever their opponents said.

On the other side of the aisle we have this


This is a great turn of phrase because it’s true in an ikestoysean sense for any incumbent ever. Glenn Kessler gives it zero Pinocchios. But of course it only gets used to describe the anti-establishment Dems who wind up wafflecrushing their opponents.

Left wing hedge fund owners … does not compute

Bill Belichick and Mike Krzyzewski are coaching for their jobs

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I saw all the Ilhan competitor ads here in Canada on our NBC affiliate, didn’t even know he was primarying her until like a week ago when the ads got negative at the end.
Didn’t seem too nasty tbh for 95% of the race.

Polling had her up 30+ percent, lol media

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It computes better when you add the ((( )))

GA Republicans not happy that Greene won. They’re afraid it will encourage Dem turnout and depress R turnout in a deep red district in what figures to be a swing state both for Presidency and Senate.

Yet no prominent Republican endorsed her opponent.

So if you’re a Republican in that district, you get to vote for Qanon crank lady for House and insider trading lady for Senate. All you libs who accused the GOP of being sexist, consider yourselves owned.

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There are like 9 or 10 people on the House Intelligence Committee who are QAnon believers and probably close to a dozen on the Judiciary Committee. We also have Bill Barr, Donald Trump, Rand Paul, and who knows how many others in government. It’s pretty amazing people like this never mention that when saying a loonbat will finally be in Congress as an official out QAnon believer…



Looks like the allegation was regarding one student who Morse messaged after a college dem event. They had already matched on tinder before that. They also messaged for a few weeks after that. Chief strategist for umass Amherst college dems got screenshots of the beginning of the convo in hopes of using it against Morse because he was a Neal Stan and wanted a job. Him and possibly other students involved in this also searched out for morses dating profiles to try and bait him into saying something inappropriate but they were unable to get anything


Well that’s an unexpected twist.

The implication that the letter was the collective work of the members of the chapter is false, however. It was written by leadership without input from the members, according to messages provided to The Intercept from the organization’s GroupMe chat.

Five days later, specific allegations have yet to surface.

Is it, though? AllTheCheese and Matty Y had the correct take upthread before that story broke.

It’s great that the pendulum has swung towards believing victims more but people are really going to need to get less naive or this will keep happening. If these morons practised better opsec this might have worked. It was the same with the Reade/Biden story, just eagerly jumping in to believe obviously dubious allegations (I don’t mean you specifically here, but certainly others ITT). Here there wasn’t even a coherent ALLEGATION of any real wrongdoing, let alone any evidence.

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I don’t think they did. Yglesias’ take was that having consensual relations with people who aren’t your students should be OK. Nobody really disputed that, and it wasn’t a meaningful part of what Morse was accused of.

The accusation was that many people from multiple student organizations felt Morse’s behavior was inappropriate, to the point that they all effectively cosigned this letter. The Intercept story says this is a wildly inaccurate, and that the whole thing was invented by just two people with ulterior motivations.

If that is true we’ve gone from widespread concern to two people lying, and mostly just one of them.

as zikzak said, the accusation was more than just a tinder match even if it didn’t have a specific accusation.

ryan grim is blatantly against dems, which this forum cheers on but it does mean I’ll never listen to him reporting on stuff like this, which clearly favors one candidate vs one who is the dem establishment.

That said these are interesting claims, still, this dude is at least matching on tinder with college students in his 30’s right so we’re all cool with this now if it’s justice dems but I’m pretty sure some here would blow a gasket instead of dismiss it if it was another political type. I’m not sure where you’re all drawing the line here.

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The first of your two reasons for being done with Morse was that

So you did dispute that.

The second of the two reasons was that he got disinvited by these organizations. But what actually happened here isn’t some super rare occurrence. Leadership made the call and rank and file mostly deferred to them.

Saying “they disinvited him, musta been bad” without demanding specific evidence or allegations of wrongdoing allows bad actors like these dudes to smear people without even really having to lie or put themselves at any risk.

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