2020 Senate + House Races

You better buy now at current prices before it becomes Canada.

Hickenlooper sucks about as bad as McGraft so of course he won too because 'Merica.

At least Hickenlooper has won a race before

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Mitch is way higher than 80% to win. Lol predictit.

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Mitch is going to win.

That doesn’t mean he will be majority leader, which is all I am hoping for

Imagine standing in line for hours, bunions aflame, varicose veins throbbing, to cast a vote for Mitch fucking McConnell lol

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Except the people that want to vote for Mitch don’t have to wait to vote. Lines to vote are only for the black areas in KY.


Ernst is very unpopular. She’s toast.

Have no idea but is there any chance Booker can run as an independent in KY? Since McTrumpDemocrat isn’t winning it would be a good way to increase his national profile and would bet a dollar that he outperforms her in the election anyway.

This would be a politically terrible idea. Politics is about compromising to get things done and screwing whatever chance dems have (however small) to “boost his profile” would ruin his reputation


um, not sure you’ve noticed, but lots of folks 'round these parts prefer purity over getting things done.


Kentucky has a sore loser law, although I don’t know the scope. It also looks like maybe you cannot be a registered Republican or Democrat on January 1st to run as an independent.

He would have no shot at outperforming her in the election, and it would end his political career.

Obviously we’ll never know about the election but but who exactly would he be upsetting as to ruin his career? The establishment who through their “weight” behind a pro-orange Dem?

Them and a lot of Democratic voters. All of which are important to future political ambitions he may have.


This fucking guy

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lmao i almost posted this earlier this morning, he said “The important thing for our Democratic friends to remember is that you may not be in total control in the future, and anytime you start fiddling around with the rules of the Senate, I think you always need to put yourself in the other fellow’s shoes and just imagine what might happen when the wind shift”

Yea maybe the republicans get back in control and still dont pass any legislation or still pass those tax cuts that they would even with the filibuster, real scary Mitch

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If we do win, they could get rid of the filibuster, pass everything, then put it right back in, right?

Sure, but what will actually happen in that scenario is: we win, the day after the election they vote to reinstate the judicial/executive appointment filibuster with support of people like Manchin and Sinema, they obstruct all of our people for the next 4 years, then they get rid of it again when they take power.


The important thing for our fascist friends to remember is that they may not be in total control in the future, and anytime you start fiddling with the rules of the Senate…

Ah, who am I kidding, Democrats aren’t doing shit about it.

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