2020 Senate + House Races

Ossoff in runoff territory. January going to be huge

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The DCCC was incredibly terrible this time, too.

I want to get in a time machine, go back to 2017, and lock Tom Perez in a room so he can’t campaign so Ellison or Pete could be the DNC chair now.


Part of this couldn’t have been avoided due to trumpism bringing out more voters than dems could realistically get in many districts but yeah they suck and need to be replaced.

Spending $ on advertising isn’t gonna do anything anymore outside of presuming that nobody actually is paying attention (ie a ton of people still don’t know trump isn’t a super smart successful businessman who the reason for backlash is simply they just don’t like him). They’re probably still not smart enough to realize it. I mean even sherrod brown really did believe Ohio was still a swing state.

Also all these house races were votes coming in are as bad as some of these states is painful.




maybe she should just become a Republican


From that thread (I lol’d)



She’s right…for her district. It’s the same here. “socialism” and “defund the police” were really really effective attacks for Darrell Issa, even though Ammar is not a socialist and he came out against “defunding” the police.

What Spanbeger understands and what we saw here is that our race was not Ammar Campa-Najjar vs. Darrell Issa. It was Ammar Campa-Najjar vs. Donald Trump and overall party messaging.


So they weren’t socialist and for defunding the police and they lost.


Makes me want to vomit that Issa is back

lol former CIA officer, great party dems

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Yeah I mean this is the takeaway. Maybe they would have more success actually conveying issues people care about. If they are in some crazy GOP leaning district, tough shit. Don’t make everyone else give up what they believe in.


defund the police was a political disaster but I figured that’s exactly what they wanted.

Easy there, shooter. Look for an update around 5 pm. That’s when we will know either he won for sure, or if we still have a shot.

In 2018, we gained almost 5 points in post-election day counting. There are still 370k uncounted ballots in SD county, and 380k in riverside county, with more coming in.


“Defund the police” is such a terrible phrase if someone wants to gain broad support for the concept.

If every conversation has to start with, “No, no, no, I don’t want to actually ‘defund’ the police, I want to get back to community policing and shift some funds to other areas that would help the police to their jobs more effectively,” then you’ve already lost.


The defund the police part isn’t my issue with her lol

I don’t think Spanberger is saying that actual issues are bad, she’s saying the messaging of the dems sucks balls and we need to be better. She’s right.

We gave the GOP perfect attack ads that worked like a charm.

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Would like to know what her idea of basics is. Would she agree Florida Dems needed to push the minimum wage increase or is that socialism?


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John James, a Republican who ran against Senator Gary Peters of Michigan in a contest that ended up being much closer than most public polling showed, is refusing to concede, citing vague and unsupported claims of cheating.

In a statement issued on Thursday, Mr. James said nothing of the presidential contest in Michigan, which President Trump lost and attempted to throw into doubt with a lawsuit that was promptly dismissed by a state judge.

But Mr. James did call for an investigation and expressed “deep concerns that millions of Michiganders may have been disenfranchised by a dishonest few who cheat.” He did not specify which government entity he hoped would investigate or offer an specifics about what kind of cheating he was referring to.


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