2020 Senate + House Races

No idea about a dull period. I know she got rather frustrated this week with a persistent campaign worker badgering her about a hypothetical 2022 race she hasn’t looked at yet. I know Maine has a decent chance of not ending in a majority so we may not see answers on everything immediately, and then of course the GA special elections.




To beat 50%?

Hegar has run behind Biden the whole race, I think KS Senate has run ahead of Biden. Blanking on our candidate there.

If dems had made a huge push from the beginning maybe they could’ve gotten it but TX was only in the everything’s gone to shit to get to 270 path.

50% is all but impossible in the jungle, Warnock will make the runoff though.

That’s what I thought, so I’m not sure why she’s bullish on the runoff.

Bollier is KS dem and she’s run a great race.

In GA the likely conditions for a runoff greatly favor Dems

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If Biden wins and Trump goes full insanity during the lame duck, both of which seem more likely than not, D runoff turnout will be though the roof.


D runoff for 50-50 and control of the Senate.

Dammit I just summoned the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man again.

How does 50-50 work wrt to the majority leader?

In the Warnock race, both Republicans have shot themselves in the foot with broader appeal also

Presumably the VP breaks ties.

Would both GA runoffs be on the same day?

But who decides what to vote on and does all the other majority leader stuff? Does it automatically go to the party with the VP?


Edit: sauce

I said I was sorrrrrry!


We are drawing live to this country having an anti-president forming a shadow government in Moscow. This shit is going to get downright silly at the end.


Loeffler is trying to run as Q anon in the primary. You’d like to think her type of rich snob person wouldn’t win the R primary but idk it’s gone back and forth and it seems close.

I think officially collins is the moderate because he voted against trump once, about removing the russian sanctions.

Loeffler has turned a lot of people off because she’s a billionaire donor appointee and can’t connect well to actual voters. Her attempts have been ham fisted and weird, like an ad calling her more conservative than Attila the Hun where she wants to murder the liberal media, and celebrating an endorsement from the QAnon candidate.

The other guy is Trumpy too and turns off some of the more polished and educated rich Republicans with conspiracy theory crap and his lunacy as a congressman.

Both are also tied to Trump who is essentially a lock to go crazy after he loses. GA is a purple state and so it adds up to create a super favorable atmosphere for a runoff.

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In 2001, the Senate was 50-50, with Cheney as VP. The Rs appointed the majority leader, but the Ds convinced them to do equal representation on committees. Usually the majority party awards itself an advantage.