2020 Senate + House Races

It takes a scumbag to know what works on scumbags.

Me going back and forth on whether deplorables are actually stupid enough to fall for that ad:


“He’ll put Christ back in Christmas,” borders on parody which I think means they went exactly far enough.


according to the thousands of texts from republicans I’ve fielded over the past week, the answer to your question is an unequivocal YES

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Hypothetically, what would happen if I volunteered to text bank for Lindsey Graham and told everyone I texted that the only true conservative in the race was Bill Bledsoe? Lol

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SMH at voting for a filthy elitist doctor though.

I dunno. we’re dealing with that right now. we had a spy. It’s fucking us over big time, so who knows, it might work.

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i consider that rat-fucking. i understand it may look like it helps us, but i don’t trust tLP precisely because of this.

Bledsoe dropped out, but his name is still on the ballot. any vote for him is not a vote for linzee


that’s even more like ratfucking

It’s good politics, a necessary part of the fight.

ratfucking. it is what it is.

I mean they do it to us every chance they get, including with Jill Stein in 2016. What are we supposed to do?

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The Republican ads in Georgia are hilarious.

Loeffler has one going after Collins. The only image on the screen the entire commercial is Collins and Stacey Abrams, embracing and smiling at the camera. It’s about how he had the gall to work with her on something in the Georgia legislature and how he has voted the same as Pelosi like 800 times.

Collins’ ad against Loeffler is about how she has a Mao painting in her house and a Chinese flag hanging outside of “her” stock exchange.

Then there’s an ad against Ossoff, saying he took money from China for something (I think one of his documentary projects or something?). It says he took money from the “same Chinese government that gave us COVID.”

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I have seen their ads on TV.

they’re still grifting but actually are spending $ on ads.
Still way too much $ donated to them. Liberals are less suckers than conservatives but still a lot of them.

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Yeah my buddy donated to them. He told me after he already had so I didn’t get to warn him. Usually he asks me the best candidates to give to and such.

it is what it is. at this point, maybe they should start deterring trmpers.

saw an interesting bit on ew-tewbz. trmp has a paid biden=zombie ad, which pops up for me. it’s a whole hour video, but pretty sure was like a 20 second joe meme, repeated for the entire duration. fucking weird.


When you don’t care about access or getting sued into oblivion.



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