2020 Post-Election Thread

FFS I’ve been so far down the rabbit hole on hi-fi headphone reviews and specs this past week that I read this top graph as a frequency response chart and saw a low-pass filter.

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Totally common. Had several every semester at a private college that was above DeVry but still ridic overpriced with low admission standards. There was always an alert bulletin to check for them and report aggressively.

For reference these are the rates in Australia (1 AUD = 0.73 USD). You pay 1% of your total income when earning between 46.6k and 53.8k and so on (yes you would pay 13k [?!] per year when earning 130k). As far as student debt systems gets it is OK although university should ofc be free everywhere (especially for low income earners and those from low wealth family backgrounds). Also your student debt gets indexed at about 1% per-year here.

|Below $46,620|Nil|
|$46,620 - $53,826|1.0%|
|$53,827 - $57,055|2.0%|
|$57,056 - $60,479|2.5%|
|$60,480 - $64,108|3.0%|
|$64,109 - $67,954|3.5%|
|$67,955 - $72,031|4.0%|
|$72,032 - $76,354|4.5%|
|$76,355 - $80,935|5.0%|
|$80,936 - $85,792|5.5%|
|$85,793 - $90,939|6.0%|
|$90,940 - $96,396|6.5%|
|$96,397 - $102,179|7.0%|
|$102,180 - $108,309|7.5%|
|$108,310 - $114,707|8.0%|
|$114,708 - $121,698|8.5%|
|$121,699 - $128,999|9.0%|
|$129,000 - $136,739|9.5%|
|$136,740 and above|10%|

College debt cant be discharged through bankruptcy?


no student loans here as i paid mine off, but im curious. is opening credit cards to pay off student loans then not paying the CCs and filing for bankruptcy a viable strategy?

Quick Google says you can’t pay student loans with a CC

Looks like you may be able to get around that with balance xfer to bank account though. the cash advances fees are probably insanely high but if you have no plans to pay them it wouldnt matter.

i suppose the catch-22 is that people who are in such bad shape that they would consider this strategy probably dont have enough credit card limits to do it

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But you could pay your living expenses with a credit card and use your income on the student loans, if you were so inclined.

This is some Wu Tang Financial shit

I pay 6.7% and would pay 0 in Australia. USA#1


Do you want someone else to point out that Biden voted for the 2005 bankruptcy bill that made it harder to discharge student debt through bankruptcy and inspired Elizabeth Warren to become politically active?


Man I’d way rather just start cutting those reparations checks. There needs to be some kind of priority queue here and the Johnny Come Latelies should be last in line.

I’m not sure where to post this but uhhh. Holy shit I feel so bad for this kid. Looks like he’ll never have a chance.


The entire feed is a goldmine.



Wow. I could only listen to a few seconds… Cliffs?

mom wants teacher to re-do the whole lesson because 6 of the states should be grey instead of blue and her proof is OAN




Jesus, Dwight probably did release COVID. He’s sitting there on his fuckin’ beet farm judging all of us for not being prepared.


Johnny is definitely our Dwight on this one.

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The perfect analogy doesn’t exi–

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Did you wipe it down with Clorox wipes?