2020 Post-Election Thread

Now, give us the trite-sounding ways we can explain how socialism is good in terms of it being patriotic and good for freedom.

I want to win.

the slogan sucks. We can do the same things without putting it in a message that writes GOP campaign ads for them.


Have the Dems considered the people that want to defund the police don’t give a fuck about the stupid Dems and their shitty policies?


So, when I talk about wanting to build a Democratic base that hates Republicans, that means I want to lock down part of the electorate who will vote blue no matter what and can be taken for granted, allowing candidates the freedom to take risks with messages that reach out to non-core voters (who don’t have to be moderates). Republicans have an advantage because they only have to fight a war on one front. Democrats are always having to defend their flank out of fear that some part of their coalition might defect, so they can’t spend as much attention focusing on Republicans.


Those people should consider acting in a way that would be the worst nightmare for eDems who want to maintain the status quo with respect to police.

You already know the answer. I’m not interested in having the same argument that’s been had a million times about GE’s being binary choices.

Do those people want to wield any power?

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PC and his pals have more power than any losing eDem representative

I’m sure the ones that want to do it by magic don’t care about the Democrat party. The ones that actually want to see it happen certainly care about getting political support for the idea.


You are ignorant as to how change occurs

No doubt, player.

But I’m in the election thread talking about electoral politics.

how big is it?

I’d like them to use terminology that makes sense and can’t be used as a synonym for abolishing the police


I wasn’t asking about the binary choice of the GE.

You seem to be in favor of getting non republicans to hate republicans enough that they’ll mimic your behaviour of voting, even for politicians you don’t like. That seems like a bad idea to me. I’m open to changing my mind, but you’ve only shared what appears to be a downside to that strategy. I can think of more negatives as well. What’s your positive argument for this specific strategy of apparently getting more people to hate each other as much as the GOP base hates liberals?

That ratio is changing fast.

RINOs who compromised with Dems got primaried in the tea party mania. The NRA actually tried to compromise for a minute after Sandy Hook, until the crazy wing threatened to break off and form a new NRA. The “million MAGAs” are out there calling FoxNews an enemy of the people.

I’d say Rs have to constantly worry about being out-flanked to the right.

And right now they’re having to worry about suburban voters peeling off to the left. But it remains to be seen if those go right back to reliable R after Trump.

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Right and defund the police is not about electoral politics. So those people blaming their own failures on a movement that has nothing to do with them can f off.

The upside is that people who hate me, my family, and my students will have less power. The down(?)side is that some people will hate people who already hate them. I don’t understand the objection.


Or maybe they can support the defund the police movement since being against it resulted in a giant L for them.