2020 Post-Election Thread

Yeah dem governors will have to lockdown in places where its bad and its going to get us killed in the midterms. Well at least we will save some lives. Maybe we can get the vaccine in the middle of 2021 and push a lot of positive shit and rebound the economy strongly but I don’t know.

Make the vaccine free for everyone will get us a lot of help. If we do win the runoffs, fuck it nuke the filibuster to do the stimulus. Might bite us in the ass but I don’t see any other play if Mitch won’t play ball.

Offer the skinny stimulus of only help for people. If he turns it down, say well fuck you American people need help and nuke it and pass it. Super long shot but it would be insanely popular, and honestly just threatening it probably gets mitch to play ball because he won’t want dems to get all the credit.

So yeah, everything will depend entirely on winning those runoffs.

Sure but to the tune of 10-15% lower than those over 44.

Scream from the rooftops that you’ll give them 50k each and see if it changes. Or better yet actually do it and own our votes from then on.

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Hell there are people in their 50s with student load debt.

I don’t know though, it would be super unpopular with the uneducated whites whom we need. We need shit to make working class people happy not just the educated class.

We should still do it, but it won’t be enough. How does it poll? I could see this being a massive grievance to the uneducated working class we need to vote for us, for the educated class that already does.

Workers will be PISSED if educated liberals get 50k in debt wiped out while they’re struggling to survive and get nothing.

Our skinny bill should also give essential workers a bonus. Even if we have to cut back on like UI to 400+ a week, and then give essential workers +400 a week too. Let mitch smack that down. For the love of god force them to vote on it.


Federal decriminalization of marijuana should be HUGE. So we do got some good stuff we can do to help the working class.

The bedrock problem is there is often a difference between what is morally correct and what is politically correct.

The GOP doesn’t care about the difference at all while Dems spend 100% of their time obsessing about it.


We would win a lot of hearts and minds by showing essential workers we’re grateful with something other than the emptiest words ever. Call my wife a hero to her face without a check in your hand I dare you.


In Dems defence they literally can’t put money in her hands.

Yeah, he unilaterally dropped it by 40k


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Agree that everyone loves free stuff, but the inevitable HowisUgonnapayzFORit/my taxes are already too high herp derp has already shown to be a very effective response. Especially with the McDonald’s caliber of news that most of the country seems to consume regularly


She knows that. She won’t appreciate being called a hero with the check, but she’ll be nice to you because of the context.

Telling people how grateful you are that they are suffering on your behalf without doing something tangible is icky. She doesn’t want to be a hero she wants everyone to wear a fucking mask and stop getting covid.

There is no Dem base
There are like 15 distinct groups sometimes with mutually exclusive goals that unite to generally vote Dem.


This is true of both parties and why the two party system is so bad.

Just say the billionaires are gonna pay for it. Say when we get the senate we won’t raise taxes on anyone but billionaires.

Yeah the politically involved will know its bullshit, but with Trump showed most rubes are low info and they will believe it like Mexico is gonna pay for the wall.

Just make shit up. Wall streets gonna pay for it. We don’t need their measly 70 million.

Bernie just did not do a good job and made every think he was going to raise their taxes. Just lie to them. We aren’t going to raise anyones taxes unless you make over a million dollars a year and we’re gonna tax the shit out of you.

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Yep “people understandably hate the ACA”. As usual, you are right on point.

We’re having pretty good discussions, can we please not make this a Victoar vs everyone back and forth thread? No hate on Victoar, but take it elsewhere or stay on topic.


Yeah, I mean, I guess I don’t know. But my point about why it’s emblamatic of the Dems’ problem is that it was attached to them so easily. The Repubs never seem to have to deal with this shit, and I can’t figure out if the only reason that’s the case is because they don’t actually ever offer any kind of policy proposal.

But it’s something that the Dems/left need to figure out, and nothing I’ve seen in the last week makes me think they stand much of a chance.

Agree that Nate’s thread is worth reading


I think that analysis falls into a familiar trap of assuming people vote on policy.

They absolutely don’t.


Defund the police went from a position that the public was ~almost completely unaware of, to polling from 25-39% within 2-3 weeks of George Floyd’s murder. If any other issue made that big of a gain, people would be ecstatic and trying to push it further.

Defund the Police polls higher than The March on Washington polled contemporaneously. Should MLK have cancelled or changed the name or stopped his efforts?