2020 Post-Election Thread



so i guess probably only 25% of Republicans say Biden won.


How so?

6ix trying to begin a cycle of arguments we have already had.

I’ve got a BINGO!


We’re gonna pretend like @MimosaDef already answered that question?

That’s a pretty epic gaslighting attempt.

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I will say all the Trumpers I know in real life think Biden won. They’re more about Biden is going to destroy America, they haven’t mentioned fraud once including my dad. I’d say about half of Republicans thinking Trump lost sounds about right.

I’d say the extremely online types are the ones more into the fraud thing. I mean most of the shit they get is from random idiots on twitter posting fake bullshit.

Come on dude. His beef is 100% legitimate. It makes me uncomfortable too to a degree but the content isn’t wrong.


Nobody denies his concerns are legitimate. They are shared by many other posters, yourself included, who don’t get treated like victaor. That tells us it’s a victaor problem, not the ideas.

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Yeah he does but they don’t view what he does as benefiting “their” team so us heathens are out in the parking lot

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I think it’s also a problem that people don’t speak to the merits of the arguments and instead just LOL Victor

I actually commend victor for still posting like he does knowing full well the usual centrist brigade will come attack him even if his posts are true. Some of us don’t care to hear from them every time somethings posted


This would be a fair point if other progressive posters were treated like him. They aren’t. It’s not a libs or progressives issue. It’s a victoar issue.

You think he’s insufferable now, wait til an Ohio State University drops a game


Aren’t there a lot of conservative residents of Florida who game the system and live elsewhere? Like the asshole cop who killed George Floyd and probably 90% of the billionaires in Manhattan?

Could be missing a big chunk of them in polling.

Or the state of the race shifted. Tons of REALLY SMART center-right moderates want divided government. My Dad is happy Trump lost but thrilled the GOP kept the Senate because he thinks bipartisan rule is the shit and can’t wait for McConnell to cut a stimulus deal. Plus that Nancy Pelosi lady is a real drag, so thank goodness she doesn’t get to be dictator.

I’m only slightly exaggerating his take. He said Dems having all three is dictatorship.

Me: “What about the GOP trifecta after 2016?”

Him: “They never had one.”

Me: “Yes they did, the Dems took the House in 2018.”

Him: “Well they didn’t do anything with it.”

Me: “They missed taking away my healthcare by one vote and passed a tax cut for the wealthy that screwed the rest of us.”

Him: “Ah, well, anyway…”

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This is my dad as well. Gridlock is great.


yea my Jo Jorgensen voting clown from facebook said that clearly american people wanted a GOP senate to check the Dem president so it worked out perfectly


Yeah all of those ‘Jo Jorgensen voters cost orange the election I hope they’re happy!’ takes are pretty lol. They are happy. This is exactly what they wanted. They voted for Jorgensen because they didn’t want Trump to stay in the White House. It wasn’t an accident and it wasn’t a wasted vote. They didn’t want Trump to win. In fact they’re the people who got what they wanted the hardest out of this whole election. I hope I get what I want to the extent they just did some day. It’ll probably never happen.

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Honestly I’m shook. I think dem incompetence has fucked us for decades because trump just picked up millions of new GOP voters for life

That’s bad. Manchin has all the same pro-oligarch positions, plus he sucks on social and environmental issues. I’m not sure, but maybe I should have ranked Bloomberg somewhat higher in the Dem power rankings. He is essentially the same thing as any of the DemE candidates, but more honest about it.

It’s not that bleak as long as we use this as a massive rallying cry to all the frankly absurdly competent people who currently devote their time to earning our corporate overlords huge amounts of money. But yeah at least a few hundred to a few thousand of us are going to have to take a risk and get into the back end operations of the Democratic Party.

This isn’t a candidate problem I don’t think. Some of the candidates do suck, but the real problem is that these campaigns are being run by incredibly obvious morons who are in it for the grift.

We need mission oriented competent people who are current on how the world works and we need them now. Boomer political campaigns increasingly remind me of Boomer financial advice.


Joe Manchin is the worst Democratic senator, but also has more value over replacement than any other.