2020 Post-Election Thread

Really, if you had a choice between allying with people like Joe Manchin or allying with people like Michael Bloomberg, I’d take Manchin.


This is fucking insanity:


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Inject it into my veins

I genuinely like that dude because of this. Really easy to compare him to Trump and he’s a super obvious pure grifter who didn’t have the ability to hurt anyone.

This is a fair point but I think you used the wrong example. I actually think the committee leadership positions that come with the majority are way, way more important than whatever small chance there is of flipping ‘moderate’ Rs. Setting the agenda for hearings, confirmations, etc seems important.

Here’s another good one


You won’t be surprised that she’s lying about almost everything in her tweet lol



First safari to the Rio Grande Valley - good article.

“You have a lot of folks that feel like they have been neglected and they keep voting Democrat but not much is changing for them,” she said. “This area, before the pandemic, had a 30 percent poverty rate and a fourth are uninsured. I can see why people might be open to voting Republican.”

Man, this resigning without a fight ain’t doing any good. These people just need to refuse to follow along and then make them fire them. Make it as public at possible.


absurd reasoning but whatever, clearly we need to be reaching out to them and showing them what we are doing for them and what we want to do.

Essentially what the hell do you have to lose is a winning argument from Trump i guess


Odds that we get NYT safari pieces like this? Be nice if we didn’t totally ignore the most rapidly-growing demographic in the US again.

Dunno the right place to post this but Harley Rouda (CA-48, former republican, massive centrist) barely lost reelection to michelle steel. I don’t know what to make of it - this same region broke like 5+ points for biden.

I think it was because he originally ran on removing trump from office and didn’t do a single thing towards that after his election. He didn’t do much, really. But is that why he lost? She had a LOT of money and ran a very heavy misinformation campaign.

I last had contact with the campaign a while ago and it ended poorly because I argued about why we weren’t planning to canvas votes in person when her campaign was going to do so. Can’t help but think that may have swung the difference.

A little gutted about the loss of a seat, but I didn’t like him much anyway.


An unmistakable echo of the collapse of the Northern red wall in the UK election a year ago, when people anxious about jobs after a decade of austerity chose to “give the other side a go” after a persistent and brutal media campaign attacking the left (despite the latter being out of power nationally for 15 years).

Unacknowledged racism had been festering for decades, and was looking for an outlet. Indian and Pakistani families had settled successfully in many communities around the South and Midlands, but the Northern market towns like Halifax were split in two by the reluctance of the indigenous population to integrate.

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just seems insane to “give the other side a go” when the other side is not actually offering anything to poor people.

Its a made up bullshit excuse to vote for the racists. Se also: taking back control.

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Uh, you realise that under discussion is the massive shift of Latinos into the Trump column.

This is getting kind of creepy man


What? No. Jal was on about north of england. Not sure it doesn’t hold anyway.

You’re quoting wireless in your post and he is talking about Latinos.

Things are not going to go well in this election post-mortem if the explanation for Latinos defecting en masse to Trump is “they like racism”.

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Dems make the common and honestly kind of bigoted mistake of homogenizing racial and ethnic identities. unfortunately I think that the “lesson” learned by dems this election, is that we need more people of color on our tickets.

Like, that’s true, we do. But people are more complex than that and it’s frankly extremely insulting to suggest biden got the black vote just because kamala was on the ticket. That kind of talk gets me pretty upset very quickly.

There are like 27 different flavors of latino/latina. Many of them are religious. I would say that the correlation of latinos that broke for trump and their religiosity would be pretty high but it’s just a guess and based on the latinos I personally know (most of which are proud trump voters and extremely religious as well).