2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Here’s the info from NH on how they sort names:


It’s a PDF, but the tl;dr is that they list them alphabetically and then use a predetermined random number (!) that I guess they drew in 2018 to start the list.

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Bernie’s drawing live for another heart attack.


I think you’re perhaps being slightly pessimistic


I really hope this isn’t yet another thing where Victor gets yelled at and then it turns out he’s right


Lots of money on Predictit to be made if you actually think Pete’s gonna win NV.

im tempted to back the truck up on Klob in the 2nd place market

Seems like ideal NH result is 1. Bernie 2. Anyone but Pete

Let’s not forget Victor’s insistence that Liz had already won and everything was over in the early hours of Iowa last week. Of course he didn’t bet on that either. I’m pretty sure he’s been cos playing for a couple weeks now.




Are you referring to this…

Because that’s just wrong…

Ari? That guy’s not so bad. It would have been cool to see that with Chris Matthews or Fuck Todd.

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I’ve argued with Victor quite a bit on this but I get somewhat where he’s coming from. He is lowering expectations and is going to be eternally pessimistic until the point that Bernie is actually named the nominee.

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Agreed… It shows in his posting style, it’s the rude comment’s that’s annoying me now.

Bernie isn’t safe once he’s the nominee. CIA took out a popular president ffs.

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My dad’s convinced its was an accident, he showed me the footage of that new Doc that claimed the guys behind his vehicle shot him by accident… I’m unconvinved :no_mouth:

Honestly I’ve been stressing about this a lot. It’s not like we don’t have a bunch of precedent.

If Bernie gets CIA’d I don’t think I’d be able to handle luckbox saying that there’s no conspiracy and everything was legitimate





I can’t watch voter interviews. I just can’t do it.


MSNBC has been pushing Klob all day. They like Pete as much as you guys do…lol. I mean, look at the chyron.

I wonder how many people they asked and decided not to interview that voted for someone else. It’s like those late show “how can people be so dumb” on the street interviews. How many did they edit out that got the answer right?

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