2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

In my area of the state, that simply isn’t true. Nobody is applying for the jobs and there is a shortage. Part of that is the low unemployment rate and part of that is the low pay I’ll admit.

Public defenders are pretty unfairly maligned imo.

I mean, other than the fact that they are lawyers.

Onion, obv.

Or you believe that M4A will get watered down to appease the republicans and it will be the equivalent of the shittiest plans out there right now, except everyone will be forced onto it and only the super rich will not have to worry about eternal medical debt if they get sick. I’m sorry even if that belief is objectively wrong, it’s not despicable.

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Where would Steyer be and what would he be polling if he wasn’t a billionaire?

To my eye, being a billionaire certainly seems to get you access to rarefied places.

Tbh I fear this as well, but the solution is:
A) build up support for it among the general population
B) stop negotiating with ourselves to compromise before even getting to the Republicans

Courthouses are often the nicest buildings in a city. Here’s some utopian socialism: turn the courthouses in to public hospitals.

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I saw that post. All the courthouses here in California seemed pretty nice. Well, not all of them, but there are a bunch of brand new fancy court buildings. Especially if you go to a kind of a rundown City kind of out in the middle of nowhere, the only nice building in town is the court.

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