2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Who is updating the best tonight? I have CBS (4%) slightly ahead of CNN (3%) with NYT still at 1pct

Lmao CNNā€™s map has the top 4 candidates as: light green, dark green, light blue, and dark blue.


Decision desk might be ahead of both of them


Was just about to post this lol.

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yeah thatā€™s much better. thanks!

Canā€™t wait to get home and follow the rest come in. I need a beer!

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This is probably my last chance to drop KLOB memes.


Because of their fee structure, arbing is very rarely profitable.

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Minnesota primary on March 3rd, my dudeā€¦

Here are the results from 2016 by township if people want to compare to the incoming Decision Desk numbers. I think it looks very good for a Bernie win so far with Klob and the rat splitting the establishment vote nicely. Iā€™m not sure itā€™s an overall super-strong result for Bernie going forward though. Just some hot takes, opinions in flux still.


Iā€™m going to feel good if he maintains >28

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Unrelated but at the bar with my buddy I converted to Bernie. But we bumped into an older guy who is an avowed socialist I guess he heard us yelling about the election and came over. Heā€™s leaning Peter slightly which I donā€™t quite understand cuz he said heā€™s a socialist but heā€™s worried that Bernie canā€™t win the general. Heā€™s voting blue though so I made sure of that. He made sure we were registered to vote so thumbs up?


You need to convert old guy back


We both told him to vote Bernie and that we were confident he could win and talked about some possible VP candidates for Bernie. He was worried about him being another ā€œMcGovernā€. I made my case. He was more worried about young people voting I told him my friends were but thatā€™s not much. I told him about local Democrats I just got involved with but heā€™s not on Facebook lol

Sanders bros, do we want Klob to get over the 15% viability here? Itā€™s less delegates for Sanders but a more mixed narrative going forward about who in the establishment is ascendant. Iā€™d say yes?

Definitely shaping up as a good night for Klob.


Anderson Cooper taking shats at Klobmentum

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Did you mention the CIA, racism and general rat like behavior?

strategically speaking, youā€™re right. I sort of hate it. On one hand, ugh, Klob, but on the other, if this puts the nail in the coffin of Bidenā€™s campaign, then yay!

ahahahahahaha Clay Aiken retracted his endorsement of Joe Biden. Heā€™s now backing